Colloquium: Sabatino Santangelo (Space Flight)

01 oktober 2024 13:00 - Locatie: Lecture Room G, FACULTY OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING, KLUYVERWEG 1, DELFT | Zet in mijn agenda

Lunar Thermal Evolution: Insights on Crustal Structure and Radiogenics from Global Geodynamic Modeling

The thermal evolution of the Moon is characterised by an asymmetrical nature. The lunar nearside contains almost all volcanic products visible on the surface, it has a thinner crust, it is enriched in radioactive isotopes and it is thought to have higher subsurface temperatures. We simulate the asymmetrical evolution of the Moon using a global scale mantle convection model, including a laterally variable crustal thickness and distribution of radioactive isotopes. Our results show a lower bulk abundance of radiogenics on the Moon than what assumed in previous thermal evolution models, and a larger extent of the radiogenic elements anomaly on the nearside. In addition, we tested multiple plausible evolution scenarios depending on the level of uncertainty of available constraints, and suggest strategies to overcome the uncertainties depending on the result of upcoming mission (CLPS-CP12, NASA).

Supervisor: B.C. Root