
700 resultaten

Case 21: TU Delft top Collaborators (2)

This collaboration map was generated based on research articles written by researchers at TU Delft from 2012 to 2018. Each red circle…

Case 14: Author landscape

This author landscape is generated by considering the co-citation of different papers published on the field of Microbiology. In this map,…

Case 13: Journal landscape

This Journal landscape is generated by considering the bibliographic coupling between journals related to the field of Microbiology. In this…

Case 15: Ranking

The above graphs are extracted from the online analysis tool of Scopus searching platform. The search is performed on the term Bioreactor…

Case 12: Citation networks (2)

In this citation map, each circle corresponds to an important paper represented by the last name of first author and year of publication.…


Menu openen Research Data Management Menu openen Plan Beleid Beheer Publiceren Support Training & Evenementen Digital Competence Centre TU…


Menu openen Research Data Management Menu openen Plan Beleid Beheer Publiceren Support Training & Evenementen Digital Competence Centre…



Contact Research Support

Please reach out to us if you have questions or if you need any help via library@tudelft.nl . The creators of the researcher toolbox The…

Zeekaarten Afrika, Amerika, etc.

Zeekaarten Afrika, Amerika, etc.

Een zeekaart is een geografische kaart met daarop aangegeven van belang zijnde gegevens. Zoals diepten, vaargeulen en betonning. Op deze…