
700 resultaten

Aleksandra Wilczynska

Aleksandra is a data analyst with a strong background in data management, visualisation, and business intelligence. She is experienced in…


Analysis of bibliometric data has become easier than ever before with availability of online analysis tools and standalone software tools…

Case 20: TU Delft top Collaborators (1)

This collaboration network is generated based on the research articles of TU Delft researchers. Among many collaborators the institutes with…

Case 19: TU Delft Research Profile

This term map is generated based on the research articles of researchers at TU Delft. The terms mentioned in the map are extracted from…

Normen, statistieken en meer

Informatie zoals normen, statistieken, wet- en regelgeving, nieuws en actualiteiten vind je ook in databases. Deze databases hebben allemaal…


De Museumcollectie bevat objecten die verbonden zijn met geschiedenis, onderzoek of onderwijs van de TU Delft. Denk aan meetinstrumenten,…

Before you start

Research Support aims to help in different ways depending the type of request and time schedule. You can choose one of the following…

Paula Martinez Lavanchy

Paula Martinez Lavanchy joined the TU Delft Library and 4TU.ResearchData repository as a Research Data Officer repository in January 2019.…

Eigenaarschap van data

Zorg ervoor dat je problemen met betrekking tot data-eigendom in een zeer vroeg stadium van je onderzoeksproject oplost - dit bespaart veel…

Arthur Newton

Since October 2021, I am the Data Steward for QuTech where I support research teams with data management opportunities and help implement…