Language Library

Familiarize yourself with the Dutch literature


Search for Dutch literature via the Dutch Foundation for Literature database

Or browse the Language Library collections at TU Delft Library or TU Delft X

How it all started

The Language Library of TU Delft is inspired by the concept of the Schiphol Library and started in 2014.

This library collection contains more than 150 translated books of Dutch literature. It has over 35 different languages, ranging from Chinese to Macedonian and Greek to Russian. It can help everybody in TU Delft to practice reading in the language they want to learn. So it can help you to improve your Dutch, learn a new language or familiarize yourself with the Dutch literature and the particularities of Dutch culture.

These books were donated in 2014 by the Dutch Foundation for Literature.

TU Delft Library is seeking for the co-creating of projects with student organizations. That's how the collaboration in 2012 between TU Delft Library and the Tandem Delft project started and we strengthened that cooperation  in 2014 with the start of this Language Library in the main hall of the TU Delft Library.

The Tandem Delft project is based on the idea that the best way to learn a language, is to practice it. This project provides a platform for students and other interested people within Delft; to meet with native speakers from all around to put their knowledge into practice; improve their skills and in return teach someone else their own native language.

A dependance of the Language Library can be found at TU Delft X.

Re-opening dependance Language Library at TU Delft X on 26 February 2020

This project fits exactly into the goals of the TU Delft Library - to be a place to meet and exchange knowledge, a place for innovation and a place where all students feel at home

Marion Vredeling, Program Manager TU Delft Library (in Delta article)

Tree of Languages

Source: Open Culture