TU Library presents:

Inventing Creativity

September 2021 - February 2022

Was creativity always there or was creativity invented? When did our society start valuing creativity - especially in business and industry? Indeed learning to be creative has turned into its own science, even an industry. To what lengths will we go to be considered creative?

This fall, the TU Delft Library collaborates with Industrial Design to excavate the roots of the science and practice of creativity in Inventing Creativity. The exhibition will examine how businesses began to experiment with brainstorming and other “creative thinking” methods, consultants attempted to diagram something called “the creative process,” and psychologists devised strange new tests to single out the “creative” individual. We see how these were both practical and ideological attempts to remake corporate capitalism’s image as it came under attack. It was through these practices that the concept of creativity was not simply appropriated by business, but constructed, leaving a strong legacy in our own age. The Inventing Creativity program will use this framework to further investigate creativity in art & technology, society, and on campus.


22 September 
Opening Inventing Creativity exhibition, TU Delft Library Main Hall
Curated by the TU Delft Library in collaboration with Dr. Samuel Franklin & Prof. Dr. Bregje van Eekelen 

​​​15 September
Hesiodos: the TU Delft art magazine 5th edition launch party facilitated by the TU Delft Library and TUS+

26 September
Studium Generale'Techniquality' Art & Tech talk

1 October
Delft Open Hardware Hack and Play: working with a Raspberry Pi cluster
13.00 – 17.00h

October – Nov
Creative technology feature artist, Carrie Sijia Wang, satellite exhibition and interactive installation of the works 
Interview with Alex (Electronic Press Kit) and Parallel New York

11 October, 16.00 hrs
Inventing Creativity feature artist - performance and discussion by Carrie Sijia Wang
Join Carrie Sijia Wang for a new media performance and discussion of new and exhibited work, her creative technology artist practice, knowledge sharing, and society's compatibility/incompatibility with bureaucratic processes, standardized tests, and hidden systems.
Location: TU Delft Library
Artist: Carrie Sijia Wang (who will be joining us digitally)
Time: 16.00 - 17.30h
Watch the performance on YouTube!

14 October, 16.00 hrs
Lipkens Lecture in Library Main Hall: History of the Creative Process
With exhibition co-curator and Industrial Design Professor Bregje van Eekelen and Opening Reception for the Inventing Creativity exhibition

12 November
Deepfakes for Society workshop
12:30-14:30 - online, sign up here.
Artistic practice and hands-on virtual workshop with OPEN software by artist and machine learning specialist Eyal Gruss, who will help us debug our paranoia and get creative with social practice for the dreaded deepfake technology.

Nederlands Foto Museum: Ai/code as Curator *unfortunately cancelled due to Corona restrictions*
TU Delft Professor Cynthia Liem and Vincent Cellucci (TU Delft Library) host a clustering activity and discussion that unpacks implications and examines meaning for code-based creation-curation in the arts. Professor Liem is a musical performing artist and researches Ai for searching music composition collections. Cellucci works with Ai and multimedia at the TU Delft Library and is a literary artist using code for poetry performances.

7 December - 24 February 2022
Variable Stiffness exhibition
Location: TU Delft Library
A robot-printed Chaise lounge chair made of porous structure that adapts to the body. This project has been implemented at TU Delft in the Robotic Building lab by Henriette Bier and Arwin Hidding with the robotic printing technology of 3D Robot Printing, Rotterdam. It has been conceptually developed in dialog with academic partners TU Eindhoven and CPFL, and has been founded by 4TU Bouw. The design was also featured as one of ten most innovative TU Delft projects on PostNL Innovation Stamps.

Close up of the robot-built Variable Stiffness Chaise lounge's porous structure.

The Inventing Creativity exhibition explores depictions, like this one, of the many common tropes of creativity, for instance using technological metaphors like machines or lightbulbs.  

Creativity should not be taken for granted as some pre-existing, intrinsic quality. It too is an invention and it has a history. Both the technology industry and education play large roles in shaping and critiquing the concept of creativity.

You can visit the Inventing Creativity exhibition in the TU Delft Library main hall.
Industrial Design Professor Bregje van Eekelen, Lipkens Lecturer and co-curator of Inventing Creativity exhibition. 
Delft Open Hardware community invites you to hack and play with clusterhat architecture. 
Exhibition, performance, and discussion with Carrie Sijia Wang, a New York-based creative technology artist making interactive experiences inspired by bureaucratic processes, standardized tests, and hidden systems.
EEMCS Professor Cynthia Liem unpacks Ai’s role in arts curation at the Nederlands Fotomuseum.  
Artist and machine learning specialist Eyal Gruss challenges and instructs students to be creative with a hands-on Deepfake OPEN technology workshop.

Image and illustration credits