International Office

Internationalisation is a hot item at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE). An increasing number of IDE students wants to study abroad for a semester, or they want to do an internship or their graduation project in a foreign company. Every year we are receiving more foreign students who want to study at IDE. As an exchange student, for a semester or a year, or as an MSc student, to obtain their master's degree in one of the MSc programs of IDE. All these students can contact the International Office of IDE for help and advice.

The International Office of IDE:

  • coordinates the exchange of students.
  • provides information to international candidates who are interested in the MSc programs and exchange program of IDE.
  • coordinates the application and admission of international students concerning the MSc programs at IDE (Integrated Product Design, Design for Interaction, Strategic Product Design)
  • is the faculty contact for international students and/or staff who want to visit the Faculty of IDE and learn more about the education at IDE.
  • coordinates current bilateral agreements and sets up new bilateral agreements between IDE and industrial design schools and departments abroad.


The International Office of IDE is located in room C-4-210. This is on the fourth floor of the IDE building (number 32 on the map of the TU Delft campus). When you enter the building, go to the elevators and go to the fourth floor. When you leave the elevator, turn left. The office is on your right hand side, almost in the middle of the corridor, near the large map of the world.

Opening hours

We are in the office every day. The best is to come to one of the open hours on Tuesdays or Thursdays between 12.45 - 13.45 hrs.

If you cannot make one of these options, you can make an appointment by sending an e-mail to

International Coordinators Industrial Design Engineering


Willemine Biemond

Coordinator International Student Affairs

Stella Schilperoort

Roos Oorlog