VIP | Vision in Design

Design solutions are ‘just’ a means to an end. Designers should, first and foremost, design the raison d’être of their final intervention. For this, they need to build a personal vision based on their view of a future world.


This Master Class trains professional designers and other innovation professionals in the design method ‘Vision in Design’ (ViP). ViP is a method that forces you to design the idea underlying your design in great detail, before coming to a manifestation: What exactly is it that you want people to understand, experience or do? In a series of short lectures and exercises, participants learn about the main features and design principles of the ViP process. In this way, participants experience the power of building a personal and fine-grained vision on their design work.

Learning objectives

During this master class, you will learn:

  • understand the creative potential of the design method ViP;
  • know how to build a perspective on a future world;
  • be able to execute the ViP method in any given situation;
  • look at design and innovation differently.


  • The Vision in Product design (ViP) method;
  • Theories of aesthetics, semantics, and human-product interaction as they pertain to ‘designing for effect’;
  • Framework for product design, service design, design-driven innovation and design for behavioural change.

Participants received "Vision in Product Design: Handbook for Innovators" by Paul Hekkert and Matthijs van Dijk. 


Paul Hekkert

Paul Hekkert is full Professor of Form Theory and head of the design aesthetics group at IDE, TU Delft. He conducts research and regularly publishes on the aesthetic, experiential and behavioural effects of products.