Prof. dr. Badke-Schaub, P.G.
Petra Badke-Schaub is Professor of Design Theory and Methodology at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering.
Academic Background
- Born on 10th of February 1960
- Married in 1986
- 2 daughters
Design Theory and Methodology
- 1986 – 1992
PhD Thesis: “Groups and complex problem solving” - 1980 – 1986
Study Psychology - 1978 – 1980
Vocational education - 1978
General qualification for university entrance, Abitur
- Since 10/2004
Professor of Design Theory and Methodology - 1998 – 2004
Institute of Theoretical Psychology, University Bamberg, Senior Lecturer and Researcher - 1991 – 1998
Department of General Psychology and Methodology, University Bamberg, Research Associate - 1990 – 1991
Max-Planck-Project Group “Cognitive anthropology” Berlin, Research Associate - 1986 – 1990
Department of General Psychology and Methodology, University Bamberg, Research Associate in the research project: “Micro-analysis of dealing with complex tasks”
Specialisation / field of research
- Design methodology
- Design research methodology
- Analysis of thinking and acting processes
- Problem solving and decision making in teams
- Team coordination, communication & cooperation
- Complexity in social context
Lectures and/or coaches students on:
- Design theory and methodology
- Research and design
- PhD projects:
- How do design teams establish common mental models and how do they develop over time?
- What are the effects of design and implementation of technology for distributed but highly interdependent teams?
- How can designers be supported with an ‘individualised’ methodology?
- How can we transfer lean principles to design?
- What is “The object of design in service innovation” and how can we assess service design?
- How can we develop decision making systems supporting clinicians in the surgical workspace?
- The role of reflection for development of shared mental models in teams during the design process?
- What is the role and impact of emotional alignment in teams?
Involved in research project(s):
Petra Badke-Schaub
- +31 (0)15 27 81403
- Publications
Room C-4-120
"Time is relative!"