Full list of dissertations

Dissertations by people in the DfS group, or supervised by one of the faculty members of the DfS group, ordered by current sub-themes in the research programme.

Material Systems

  • Mestre, A (2014-12-2) Cork Design; A design action intervention approach towards sustainable product innovation // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C., co-promotor: Christiaans, H.H.C.M.
  • Wang, F. (2014-3-21) E-waste: collect more, treat better; Tracking take-back system performance for eco-efficient electronics recycling // Promotor:  Stevels, A.L.N. , co-promotor: Huisman, J.
  • Köhler, A.R. (2013-9-30) Anticipatory eco-design strategies for smart textiles // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C., co-promotor: Bakker, C.A.
  • Van der Lugt, P.  (2008-10-21) Design interventions for stimulating bamboo commercialization - Dutch design meets bamboo as a replicable model // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. 
  • Deubzer, O. (2007-01-30) Explorative study into the sustainable use and substitution of soldering metals in electronics: ecological and economical consequences of the ban of lead in electronics and lessons to be learned for the future // Promotor:  Stevels, A.L.N. · Reichl, E.h.H. 
  • De Bree, M.A.  (2006-05-22) Waste and innovation. How waste companies and government can interact to stimulate innovation in the Dutch waste industry  // Promotor:  Santema, S.C., mr. · Brezet, J.C.      
  • Gonçalves Castro, M.B.  (2005-06-27) Design for Resource Efficiency - Preserving the Quality in the (Automotive) Resource Cycles // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Reuter, M.A. 
  • Huisman, J (2003-06-20) The QWERTY/EE concept, Quantifying Recyclability and Eco-Efficiency for End-of-Life Treatment of Consumer Electronic Products // Promotor:  Stevels, A.L.N. 
  • Boks, C.B. (2002-04-15) The relative importance of uncertainty factors in product end-of-life scenarios: a quantification of future developments in design, economy, technology and policy // Promotor:  Stevels, A.L.N. 


  • Geelen, D.V. (2014-9-19) Empowering end-users in the energy transition. An exploration for products and services to support changes in household energy management // promotor: Angele Reinders · David Keyson
  • Van Dam, S.S.(2013-7-11) Smart Energy Management for Households // promotor: Anke van Hal (Architecture), co-promotor: Bakker,
  • Jansen, A.J.  (2011-01-18) Human Power Empirically Explored // Promotor:  Stevels, A.L.N. 
  • Flipsen, S.F.J.  (2010-12-14) Direct Methanol Fuel Cell systems in portable electronics - a metrics-based conceptualization approach // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Spitas, C. 
  • Hellman, H.L.  (2007-12-04) Probing applications: how firms manage the commercialisation of fuel cell technology // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. 
  • Strijk, R. (2008-04-29) Conceptual thermal design // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. 
  • Kan, S.Y. (2006-12-19) Energy matching: key towards the design of sustainable photovoltaic powered products // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Sinke, W.C. 
  • Van den Hoed, R. (2004-05-17) Driving Fuel Cell Vehicles. How Established Industries React to Radical Technologies // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Vergragt, Ph.J. 
  • Kruijsen, J.H.J.  (1999-11-08) Photovoltaic Technology Diffusion - Contact & Interact Dissertation Industrial Design Engineering // Promotor:  Weijnen, M.P.C. · Brezet, J.C. 

            Emerging Markets

            • Rodrigues Santos, A.L. (2014-07-10) Mind the gap: Designing Sustainable Healthcare for Humanitarian Aid // Promotors Brezet, J.C. · Goossens R.,  Co-promotor Wauben, L.
            • Diehl, J.C. (2010-12-21) Product Innovation Knowledge Transfer for Developing Countries: Towards a systematic Transfer Approach // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Christiaans, H.H.C.M. 
            • Crul, M.R.M. (2003-10-20) Ecodesign in Central America // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Röling, N.G. 

            Knowledge exploration and decision support

            • Joore, J.P.  (2010-11-30) New to Improve, The Mutual Influence between New Products and Societal Change Processes // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Silvester, S. 
            • Wever, R. (2009-10-05) Thinking-about-the-Box; A Holistic Approach to Sustainable Design Engineering of Packaging for Durable Consumer Goods // Promotor:  Stevels, A.L.N. 
            • Berchicci, L. (2005-10-04) The green entrepreneur's challenge : the influence of environmental ambition in new product development // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. 
            • Poelman, W.A. (2005-05-24) Technology Diffusion in Product Design - Towards an Integration of Technology Diffusion in the Design Process // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Eekhout, M. 
            • Van Nes, N. (2003-6-6) Replacement of Durables; Influencing Product Lifetime through Product Design // Promotor: Cramer J. · Stevels, A.L.N. (@ Erasmus University, Rotterdam)
            • Partidário, P.J. (2002-12-09) "What-if": From path dependency to path creation in a coatings chain: a methodology for strategies towards sustainable innovation // Promotor:  Vergragt, Ph.J. 
            • Ten Klooster, R. (2002-09-30) Package design: a methodical development and simulation of the design process // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Dirken, J.M. 
            • Vogtländer, J.G. (2001-09-25) The model of the eco-costs/value ratio: a new LCA based decision support tool // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Hendriks, Ch. 
            • Nagel, M.H. (2001-09-18) Environmental quality in the supply chain of an original equipment manufacturer in the electronics industry: research, development, evaluation, validation and implementation of environmental performance tools in the scope of total cost of ownership // Promotor:  Stevels, A.L.N. 
            • Van Hal, J.D.M. (2000-10-10) Beyond the demonstration project - The diffusion of environmental innovations in housing // Promotor:  Duijvestein, C.A.J. · Brezet, J.C.  (@ Architecture DUT)
            • Gielen, D.J. (1999-04-13) Materialising dematerialisation. Integrated energy and materials systems engineering for greenhouse gas emission mitigation // Promotor:  Brezet, J. · Weijnen, M. 
            • Van Hemel, C.G. (1998-06-09) Ecodesign empirically explored; Design for Environment in Dutch small and medium sized enterprises // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Cramer, J. 
            • Bakker, C.A.  (1995-10-23) Environmental Information for Industrial Designers // Promotor:  Vergragt, Ph.J. · Brezet, J.C. 

            Product Service Systems

            • Esser, P.E. (2011-01-20) Creating caring hands through technology: An industrial designer's approach to medical teleconsultation // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Goossens, R.H.M. 
            • Komoto, H. (2009-10-05) Computer Aided Product Service Systems Design: Service CAD and Its integration with Life Cycle Simulation // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Tomiyama, T. 
            • Meijkamp, R.G. (2000-05-11) Changing consumer behaviour through Eco-efficient Services - An empirical study on Car Sharing in the Netherlands // Promotor:  Brezet, J.C. · Cramer, J.M.