
Bachelor Courses

Master Courses

  • IDEM305: Designing Responsible AI, 5 ECTS, teacher: Sara Colombo, period 1
  • IDEM307: Generative AI and Design, 5 ECTS, teacher: Gerd Kortuem, period 1
  • IDEM2103: Empirical Design Research, 5 ECTS, teacher: Himanshu Verma, period 2
  • CS4145: Crowd Computing (EWI), 5 ECTS, teachers: Alessandro Bozzon and Ujawl Gadiraju, period: 2
  • IDEM2211: AI Products and Services, 5 ECTS, teacher: Alessandro Bozzon, period 3
  • IDEM2212: Intelligent Interactive Systems, 5 ECTS, teacher: Evangelos Niforatos, period: 4
  • IDEM2213: Data-Centric Design for Connected Products, 5 ECTS, teacher: Jacky Bourgeois, period 4

See all graduation opportunities here.