A Treasure Hunting App was designed for the Mauritshuis providing a game to young adult travellers for motivating them to explore the details of the paintings. With the app, the young adult travellers learn about the art works as well as about the local culture.
When leaving the Mauritshuis, the app will provide the visitors with travel tips that encourage them to further explore the local culture of Den Haag. The design is based on design for positive emotions, taking into account the visitors’anticipation of joy, fun and pride in going through the museum. The final design has been evaluated in the user test session, and recommendations to improve the design has been provided at the end of the project.
Graduation Project: Cindy Shih
Arnold Vermeeren
- +31 (0)15 27 84218
- A.P.O.S.Vermeeren@tudelft.nl
Room C-3-280
"I have striven not to laugh at human actions, not to weep at them, nor to hate them, but to understand them." - Spinoza
Affiliates / Collaborators
- Jay Yoon
- Ronald Theunissen (Kiss the Frog)
- Geert-Jan Borgstein (Mauritshuis)