Boosting sustainable building education in The Netherlands

On 17 September, TU Delft launched a new initiative to implement sustainable building practices across the Dutch educational landscape by bringing together educators from Dutch vocational institutions (MBO) and TU Delft lecturers.

Last week, the kick-off event at The Green Village on the TU Delft campus brought together 10 educators from MBO institutions and lecturers from TU Delft’s Sustainable Building with Timber MOOC.

Educating for impact

From September to December 2024, the MBO educators will participate in the MOOC as students: watching videos, completing course exercises, and submitting assignments. Additionally, they will engage in online sessions guided by TU Delft lecturers, who provide subject matter expertise, and an educational expert supporting the online learning process. From December through June 2025, the focus will shift to creating adaptable and open teaching resources specifically developed for MBO institutions.

A ripple effect

By equipping teachers with the tools and knowledge to teach sustainable building, the initiative supports the transition to more environmentally responsible practices within the building industry. The knowledge shared through this programme will shape the future workforce and contribute to a more sustainable world.

While initially targeting a limited number of MBO institutions, the initiative’s impact is expected to extend far beyond. As educators integrate the materials into their curricula, the knowledge will reach future generations of students, amplifying the long-term influence of the project.

Sustainable Building with Timber MOOC

A two-way learning process

This mutually beneficial project embodies lifelong learning. MBO teachers gain access to cutting-edge teaching materials on building with timber, while TU Delft benefits from the practical insights these practitioners bring from the field. This knowledge exchange enhances vocational education and strengthens TU Delft’s research and teaching.

Open resources for lasting impact

A key goal of the project is to create open-access, customisable teaching materials, enabling educators to tailor content to meet the specific needs of their institutions and students. This flexible approach fosters the teaching of sustainable building techniques.


Heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in making this initiative possible. Together, we are laying the foundations for a more sustainable future.