1. Jingjing Zheng, Kai Li, Naram Mhaisen, Wei Ni, Eduardo Tovar, Mohsen Guizani, (2023), Federated Learning for Online Resource Allocation in Mobile Edge Computing: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach, In Proceedings of the 2023 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) p.1-6, IEEE.
  2. Ricardo Ampudia Hernandez, Talia Xu, Yanqiu Huang, Marco Zuniga Zamalloa, (2023), Firefly: Localizing Drones with Visible Light Communication and Sensor Fusion, In Proceedings of the 2023 19th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Smart Systems and the Internet of Things (DCOSS-IoT) p.217-221, IEEE.
  3. T. Fiebig, F.S. Gürses, C. Hernandez Ganan, E. Kotkamp, F.A. Kuipers, Martina Lindorfer, M.M.G.C. Prisse, P.T. Sari, Heads in the Clouds? Measuring Universities' Migration to Public Clouds: Implications for Privacy & Academic Freedom, In Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium p.117–150.
  4. Pawel Kaniewski, Janusz Romanik, Krzysztof Zubel, Edward Golan, Maria D. R-Moreno, Paweł Skokowski, Jan M. Kelner, Krzysztof Malon, Krzysztof Maślanka, Emil Guszczyński, Łukasz Szklarski, R.R. Venkatesha Prasad, (2023), Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks Enabled Situational Awareness Enhancement for Armed Forces Operating in an Urban Environment, In Proceedings of the 2023 Communication and Information Technologies (KIT), IEEE.
  5. Jagdeep Singh, Qing Wang, Marco Zuniga, Tim Farnham, (2023), HueSense: Featuring LED Lights Through Hue Sensing, In MORSE 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 1st ACM Workshop on AI Empowered Mobile and Wireless Sensing, Part of MOBICOM 2022 p.19–24, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
  6. Naram Mhaisen, George Iosifidis, Douglas Leith, (2023), Online Caching with no Regret: Optimistic Learning via Recommendations, In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing Volume 23 p.5949-5965.
  7. Suryansh Sharma, Tristan Dijkstra, R. Venkatesha Prasad, (2023), Open Gimbal: A 3 Degrees of Freedom Open Source Sensing and Testing Platform for Nano and Micro UAVs, In IEEE Sensors Letters Volume 7 p.1-4.
  8. Naram Mhaisen, Abhishek Sinha, Georgios Paschos, George Iosifidis, (2023), Optimistic No-regret Algorithms for Discrete Caching, In Performance Evaluation Review Volume 51 p.69-70.
  9. Livia Elena Chatzieleftheriou, Marco Gramaglia, Miguel Camelo, Andres Garcia-Saavedra, Evangelos Kosmatos, Michele Gucciardo, Paola Soto, George Iosifidis, Lidia Fuentes, More Authors, (2023), Orchestration Procedures for the Network Intelligence Stratum in 6G Networks, In Proceedings of the 2023 Joint European Conference on Networks and Communications and 6G Summit, EuCNC/6G Summit 2023 p.347-352, IEEE.
  10. Douglas J. Leith, George Iosifidis, (2023), Penalized FTRL with Time-Varying Constraints, In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2022, Proceedings p.311-326, Springer.