
Course Contents
The 5EC minor project enables minor students obtain the experience of working in teams while developing software.
Students work in project groups on a full project implementation in the domain of data technologies, or game development.
Study Goals
For all projects:
- Apply software development techniques to real world problems
- Evaluate the conditions of working in groups in software related projects

For game development:
- make a realistic game design for a short development period
- design, implement and validate a variety of algorithms, and integrate them within your game concept
- distinguish the various modules of a game engine, and use them for your game concept
- understand and implement some sort of intelligent behavior in a computer game

PDAM Tirtawening Kota Bandung: Improving the water treatment processes

Improving the water treatment processes Nicael Jooste & Bas Holman Since we are both internationally oriented, we wanted to give our…

PDAM Tirtawening Kota Bandung: Mobile Treatment Plant

Being denied both our first options for minors in Delft, we went looking elsewhere. With a stroke of luck we came across the opportunity to…

Water reclamation at the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo

Designing a sustainable wastewater treatment system During my research I investigated the possibility of water reclamation at the main…

Bachelor Eind Project in Cali

Daar gingen we dan, op een koude zaterdag midden in november vertrokken wij naar het tropische Cali, Colombia, om een nieuw avontuur te…

Addressing the issues with the non-operating sewerage pumps in Maputo

Proposing environmentally sustainable improvements Jesse Salet and Hidde Schijfsma During the winter of 2015/2016 we had the opportunity to…

Sustainable drinking water: Supplying energy efficient drinking water for rural communities in Nicaragua

We got the chance to travel to the land of lakes and volcanoes Nicaragua for our bachelor thesis. First of all we would like to thank the…


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Moderne trombe-wand bespaart massa's energie

Moderne trombe-wand bespaart massa's energie

Honderd jaar geleden plaatste men al donkere stenen wanden in gebouwruimtes achter glas, om zo de warmte van de zon langer vast te houden.…

Geen pleister maar een zandinfuus

Geen pleister maar een zandinfuus

In het weekend pakt Matthieu de Schipper graag zijn surfplank, doordeweeks onderzoekt hij nauwkeurig hoe golven het zand van onze kusten…