

At TU Delft's Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science, research in computer science spans diverse and innovative fields. Key areas include artificial intelligence and machine learning, where researchers work on developing intelligent systems and algorithms. The faculty also excels in data science, focusing on big data analytics and information retrieval. Cybersecurity is another significant area, with efforts to design robust systems and protocols to protect against cyber threats.

The faculty houses specialized research groups such as the Computer Graphics and Visualization Group, the Web Information Systems Group, and the Cyber Security Group. These groups engage in interdisciplinary projects, often collaborating with industry and other academic institutions.

Students in the computer science faculty at TU Delft gain hands-on experience with cutting-edge technologies and methodologies. They learn to develop innovative software solutions, conduct rigorous research, and address complex problems in computing and information systems. This comprehensive education equips them with the skills needed for careers in academia, industry, and beyond.