

  1. G.J. Koers (2023). The Doctrine of Bayesian Statistics for Inverse Problems. [official picture]
  2. L. Mészáros (2023). Climate change induced uncertainties in future coastal ecosystem state. [official picture]
  3. A. Bertazzi (2023). Approximations and transformations of piece wise deterministic Markov processes. [official picture]
  4. S.E.M.P. Franssen (2023). When is subjective objective enough?
  5. S. Grazzi (2023). Design and applications of Monte Carlo methods based on piecewise deterministic Markov processes. [official picture]
  6. J. J. Velthoen (2022). Statistical post-processing of extreme weather forecasts. [official picture]
  7. W. Li (2022). A data-driven and machine-learning study on microstructure-property relations in steel. [official picture]
  8. L. Pang (2020). Bayesian nonparametric estimation with shape constraints. [official picture]
  9. M. Vittorietti (2020). Statistical analysis of the relation between metallic microstructures and mechanical properties. [official picture]
  10. S.El Bouhaddani (2020). Statistical integration of diverse omics data. [official picture] Defended at Leiden University
  11. E. Musta (2019). Smooth nonparametric estimation under monotonicity constraints. [official picture]
  12. M. Roth (2015). Analysis of trends in extreme rainfall, a regional approach. [official picture] Defended at TU/e
  13. M.R. Schauer (2015). Bayesian inference for discretely observed diffusion processes. [official picture]
  14. K.S. McGarrity (2013). Stereological estimation of anisotropic microstructural features: applying an oriented cylinder model to dual phase steel. [official picture]
  15. G.F. Nane (2013). Shape constrained nonparametric estimation in the Cox model. [official picture]
  16. B.I. Witte (2011). Current Status Censoring Models - smooth estimators and their asymptotic properties. [official picture]
  17. S. Donauer (2009). Asymptotics in Deconvolution Models: Approximating Perfect Knowledge. Defended at the vrije Universiteit.
  18. V.N. Kulikov (2003). Direct and Indirect Use of Maximum Likelihood
  19. P.P. de Wolf (1999). Estimating the Extreme Value Index – tales of tails – .
  20. R.B. Geskus (1997). Estimation of Smooth Functionals with Interval Censored Data and Something Completely Different
  21. G. Jongbloed (1995). Three Statistical Inverse Problems - estimators-algorithms-asymptotics.  
  22. A.J. Cabo (1994). Set Functionals in Stochastic Geometry
  23. E.A.G. Weits (1990). A Stochastic Heat Equation for Freeway Traffic Flow.
  24. H.P. Lopuhaä (1990). Estimation of Location and Covariance with high Breakdown Point.
  25. A.W. Gerstel (1979). The homogenization of bulk material in blending piles.
  26. R.P.W. Duin (1978). On the accuracy of statistical pattern recognizers.
  27. A.L. van der Mooren (1969). Homogeniseren van stortgoederen in het bijzonder steenkool.


  1. Wouter Hajer (2024) Authorship Attribution in a Forensic Context. [picture]
  2. Jelle Epema (2023): Evaluating Constant Failure Rates in Storm Surge Barriers [picture]
  3. Chris van Vliet (2023): Bayesian Sensitivity Analysis for a Missing Data Model
  4. Wieger Schipper (2023): Bayesian deep learning
  5. Qianqian Chen (2023): Pricing multi-dimensional American options using kernel ridge regression
  6. Andrea Boroni Grazioli (2023): Automated detection of failures based on service records
  7. Miltos Galanis (2023): Bootstrap-Based Hypothesis Testing
  8. Jugo Rang (2023): Estimation of conditional CDFs using machine learning [picture]
  9. Niels Horsman (2023): On the restrictions of Pair-Copula Bayesian Networks for integration-free computations
  10. Alex Möllers 2023): Bayesian Contrastive Learning on Topological Structures
  11. Koen Zomerdijk (2023): Neural Network adjusted Spatial Dynamic Factor Models for Real Estate Valuation
  12. Daniël Brus (2023): Backward Filtering Forward Guiding for Finite-State Space Models with Expectation Propagation
  13. Gwyn van der Wal (2023): On the Influence of Whitening Transformations on Hyperspectral Data
  14. Jenny Lu (2023): Treatment Prediction in PDAC patients. [picture]
  15. Arian Joyandeh (2023): On the usage of wavelet-based techniques for Synthetic Image Detection. [picture]
  16. Joost Göbbels (2023): Hawkes Processes in Large-Scale Service Systems. [picture]
  17. Antonios Vasileiou (2023): The Expressive Power of (Multi)Set-based higher-order Graph Neural Networks. [picture]
  18. Linda Leeuwestein (2023): Applying Structural Equation Modelling on a Motivation Survey. [picture]
  19. Femke Lückerath (2023): Predictive Analysis of Anti-NMDA-Receptor Encephalitis. [picture]
  20. Yunsong Yao (2023): The AI that solves League of Legends: How to play a MOBA game professionally according to AI models
  21. Pim Keer (2023): Hypothesis Testing in Contingency Tables
  22. Ricardo Tebbens (2023): Football activity recognition. [picture]
  23. Femke Schürmann (2023): Transfer Learning Framework for Battery Lifetime Prediction Using Early Cycle Data: Addressing the Challenge of Limited Training Data Diversity. [picture]
  24. Cor-Jan Heijlema (2023): Predicting Water Current based on Wind Data using a Neural Network. [picture
  25. Loek Koorevaar (2022) Spectral Calibration of Time-inhomogeneous Exponential Lévy Models: with Asymptotic Normality, Confidence Intervals, Simulations, and Empirical Results. [picture]
  26. Laura Middeldorp (2022): Detecting clonality in contralateral breast cancers
  27. Mohammed el Ouasgiri (2022): Energy Study of Drying
  28. Chiara Mignacco (2022): Monte Carlo algorithms for performing Bayesian inference on Piecewise Deterministic Processes
  29. Rutger van Beek (2022): Using Markov-Switching Vector Autoregressions for modelling intraoperative hemodynamics
  30. Ravish Gangapersad (2022): Predicting antibiotic exposure in IC patients
  31. Rutger van der Spek (2022): Fast Estimation of Kendall's Tau and Conditional Kendall's Tau Matrices Under Structural Assumptions
  32. Josephine Clercx (2022): Improve Coolblue's direct demand model for substitutable products
  33. Frederik Bartl (2022): Modelling a Simulation Environment to analyse Race Strategy in Formula E
  34. Tim Vogel (2022): Modelling stochastic volatility via factor models: An asymmetric approach
  35. Ziqiu Qin (2022): Parameter Estimation on the Partially Observed Bidimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process
  36. Sjoerd Dijkstra (2022): Restoration of Missing Data using a Human Adaptive Framework. [picture]
  37. Nerine Usman (2022): Data driven simulation of clouds using Markov Chain models with spatial dependence. [picture]
  38. Reinout Sluijmer (2022): Measuring credit rating downgrade momentum
  39. Jeffrey van der Voort (2022): Mathematics of Double Decent
  40. Ravish Gangapersad (2022): Predicting antibiotic exposure in IC patients
  41. Sjoerd Wiarda (2021): Spectral analysis of the Zig-Zag process on the torus
  42. Jur de Jong (2021): Shapley Values: A Comparison of Definitions and Approximation Methods
  43. Cindy Boon (2021): Variable importance measures for random forests
  44. Tobias Molenaar (2021): Remote Sensing: Deriving water quality indicators from high-resolution satellite data using spatio-temporal statistics
  45. Rafael Cuperman Coifman (2021): Football activity recognition
  46. Oskar Oostdam (2021): Investment Strategy for VIX Futures based on a Bayesian Approach to Term Structure Modelling
  47. Thorben Pieper (2021): Fourier Spectral Methods for Bayesian Filtering of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
  48. Cecilia Casolo (2021): Causal Fairness of Machine Learning. [picture]
  49. Thomas van der Jagt (2021): Estimating the cell volume distribution of a 3D Laguerre-Voronoi diagram from a planar section. [picture]
  50. Jeroen Roseboom (2021): Tail characteristics of CRPS-based distributions
  51. Li Yong Pan (2020): Progression of Aggregate Loss on Porous Asphalt
  52. Reuben Adams (2020): Safe Hypothesis Tests for the 2 × 2 Contingency Table
  53. Georgios Kaketsis (2020): Classification in football: Activity classification using sensor data in football
  54. Nelleke Scheijen (2020): Forensic speaker recognition: Based on text analysis of transcribed speech fragments. [picture]
  55. Jos Steijn (2020): Automated Classification of User Reviews. [picture]
  56. Tim Cheung (2020): Unsupervised classification of ships and their operations. [picture]
  57. Patrick Sengalrayan (2020): Upper Extremity Injury Prediction in Elite Youth Baseball Pitchers using Classification Methods
  58. Davey Kaak (2019): e-Discovery: Discovering fraud related e-mails using Bayesian statistical techniques
  59. Mark Christianen (2019): Bouncy Particle Sampler in rare event simulation
  60. Ruth Koole (2019): Survey sampling at Statistics Netherlands, the consequences of screening the sample. [picture]
  61. Sigur Gouwens (2019): Bootstrapping in the Cox-model with interval censored observations. [picture]
  62. Arjun Harinandansingh (2019): Valuation of residential real estate in The Netherlands. [picture]
  63. Marieke de Vries (2019): The Use of Data Science for Sports Analysis Purposes. [picture]
  64. Marc Corstanje (2019): Likelihood based Inference on Nonlinear Spaces
  65. Iris Koks (2019): Latent Dirichlet Allocation: Explained and improved upon for applications in marketing intelligence. [picture]
  66. Andrea Bertazzi (2018): Safe Semi-Supervised Learning. [picture]
  67. Chiara Bertoncini (2018): Modelling Counterparty Credit Exposure under the risk-neutral measure
  68. Carina van der Zee (2018): Characterizations of Multivariate Tail Dependence
  69. Stan Tendijck (2018): Nonparametric Calibration of Inhomogeneous Lévy Processes using Fourier Techniques
  70. Tom van Groeningen (2018): Human presence detection using a particle filter on ultrasonic micro-Doppler measurements for assisting rescue work in large buildings. [picture]
  71. Inoni van Dorp (2018): Statistical modelling of forensic evidence. [picture]
  72. George van Hooft (2018): Efficient Inference with Panel Data. [picture]
  73. Menno Herbrink (2018): Jobfeed alarm system. [picture]
  74. Siyu Guan (2018): PM2.5 concentration prediction and early warning system of extreme conditions based on the LSTM
  75. Olivier de Groot (2017): Risk premium pricing methods in Non-Life Insurance for accurate estimation and uncertainty quantification. [picture]
  76. Romke Rozendaal (2017): Modeling performance of elite cyclists. [picture]
  77. Rune van der Meijden (2017): Loads of lifestyles. [picture]
  78. Sofie van den Hoogen (2017): Intraday liquidity risk estimation using transaction data. [picture]
  79. Veerle Berghuis (2017): Categorical based feature modeling on a zero inflated performance measure. [picture]
  80. Mirrelijn van Nee (2017): Power estimation in wheelchair basketball. [picture]
  81. Danielle de Groot (2017): Churn prediction in telecommunication. [picture]
  82. Jason Zijlstra (2016): Sparse Representation of Photometric Galaxy Redshift PDFs. [picture]
  83. Merijn van Es (2016): Measuring performance and improvement of amateur runners. [picture]
  84. Fréderique Kool (2016): Feature-based models for forensic likelihood ratio calculation. [picture]
  85. Thijs Willems (2016): Bayesian inference on the generalized Heffernan and Tawn model. [picture]
  86. Jolien de Haas (2016): Using the marginal structural model for finding the best moment to treat. [picture]
  87. Jasper Velthoen (2016): Non-parametric extreme quantile estimation for the common shaped tail model. [picture]
  88. Carli Wensveen (2016): Classification of playing styles in football. [picture]
  89. Jonathan de Bruin (2015): Probabilistic record linkage with the Fellegi and Sunter framework. [picture]
  90. Harold Selman (2015): Anomaly detection for internet banking using supervised learning on high dimensional data. [picture]
  91. Jeroen Brouwer (2014): Precedence Probability Penalised Nonparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Interval-Censored Data. Onderzoek verricht aan AUT, Auckland NZ, onder begeleiding van Alain Vandal en Steve Taylor.
  92. Said el Bouhaddani (2014): Integration and exploration of High Dimensional data. [picture]
  93. Jean-Paul Schouwstra (2014): Estimating long-term uncertainties of economic variables. [picture]
  94. Lisa Priem (2013): Determining the minimum percentage of vehicles equipped with a uCAN necessary to accurately estimate the traffic speed. [picture]
  95. Sander Boersma (2013): Bivariate density estimation in an oriented cylinder model. [picture]
  96. Sanne Aalbers (2013): The evidential value of gunshot residue composition comparisons. [picture]
  97. Willem Hendriks (2013): Multi skilled staff scheduling with simulated annealing. [picture
  98. Jacob de Zoete (2012): Combined evidential value of forensic DNA profiles. [picture]
  99. Anoukh van Giessen (2012): Dimension Reduction Methods for Classification. Onderzoek verricht aan Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Montreal, onder begeleiding van prof. A.C. Vandal.
  100. Martina G. Albers (2012): Boundary estimation for densities with bounded support. Afstudeerproject voor ETH Zurich, verricht aan TU Delft in het kader van de IDEA League samenwerking. [picture]
  101. Celia Conticini (2011): Evidential value of a Y-SR profile match: The Neighbor-Matching Method. 
  102. Ivonne Martin (2010): Estimation of the hazard in patients with myocardial infarction using a shape-constrained estimator.
  103. Nan van Geloven (2007): Statistical Evaluation and Design of Virus Validation Robustness Studies (gehonoreerd met de VVS scriptieprijs 2007).
  104. Marry Ouwenhand (2007): Modelling the Lifetime Value of a Credit Customer.
  105. Gesina Gorter (2006): Pairs Trading.
  106. Safina Malik (2006): TheGeneralized STAR model and its application to Indonesian tea production.
  107. Leontine Alkema (2004): Multivariate Time Series Analysis of Oil Reservoir Pressure.
  108. W. Graveland (2000): Modelbouw en Modelselectie voor gemengde Lineaire Modellen.
  109. Fred Treur (1998): Modelling censored survival data and MCMC.
  110. Paul van der Lee (1997): Multivariate Calibration.
  111. Carlo Elsinghorst (1996): Extreme value analysis of storm severity.
  112. Arnold Willemsen (1996): Determining an upper confidence bound for the total error amount in audit populations.
  113. Sonja Bakker (1995): Regression Models for Accident Rates.
  114. Enrico Scipio (1993): Bootstrap methoden mbt steekproeven zonder teruglegging uit een eindige populatie.


  1. Delvin Karjadi (2023), Bootstrap-based bias correction for the out-of-sample Sharpe ratio.
  2. Amna Ahmad. (2023) Evaluating student’s study habits using Bayesian multinomial logistic regression.
  3. Frederik Veldman (2022), CLT for Nonlinear Shrinkage Estimators of Large Covariance Matrices
  4. Alyssa Wijker (2022), Mathematics as a secret weapon against criminals 
  5. Wouter Versteegh (2020), Central Limit Theorems for Linear Spectral Statistics on Large Regularized Covariance Matrices
  6. Yuqian Song (2020), The AIC-BIC dilemma: An in-depth look
  7. Jade Swanenburg (2020), Frequentistische en Bayesiaanse statistiek in de forensische statistiek.
  8. Oskar Oostdam (2019), Modelling multivariate financial time series using vector autoregressive processes
  9. Daphne Stok (2019), Statistische detectie van trends in klimaatreeksen.
  10. Femke Lückerath (2019), Is de bandit-methode een verbetering op de klassieke methode van A/B-testen?
  11. Joost Göbbels (2019), Forensic Statistics: Multivariate trace comparison.
  12. Emiel Hoefkens (2018), Model Selection in Portfolio Management.
  13. Dion de Lange (2018), Financial market crashes: Predicting bubbles using the Johansen-Ledoit-Sornette model
  14. Niels in 't Veld (2018), Gedragssynchronie onder Grijze dolfijnen aantonen met behulp van CRQA.
  15. Hidde Dijkstra (2018), High Field Ballistic Supercurrents.
  16. Jasper van der Ster (2018). Causal inference: an introduction.
  17. Douwe Bosma (2017), Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Parameters in the Random Graph Model.
  18. Ruth Koole (2017). Variable selection and shrinkage in the Cox proportional hazards model.
  19. Marieke de Vries (2016). Familial Searching in DNA Databases.
  20. Marco Kirana (2016). Risk measures of heavy-tailed data.
  21. Stan Tendijck (2016). Estimating the Expected Shortfall.
  22. Mariska Post-Vreugdenhil (2016). Het detecteren van veranderingen in de prestatie van een wielrenner.
  23. Marc Corstanje (2016). Empirical processes.
  24. Inoni van Dorp (2015). Computer Tomography: Image reconstruction in the presence of noise.
  25. Tom van Groeningen (2015). Improving the accuracy in localisation microscopy for samples that consist of straight lines using prior knowledge.
  26. Menno Herbrink (2015). Modelling a virtual photon stream from a black body source.
  27. Jeroen Roseboom (2015). Het modelgebaseerd corrigeren van meetdata.
  28. Joran Zoutendijk (2015). Valt er geld te verdienen aan het voorspellen van Voetbaluitslagen?
  29. Suzan van Ginkel (2015). Samenhang van prostaatkankerindicatoren.
  30. Emma Wagner (2015). Unit Root Testing for AR(1) Processes
  31. Jos Smalbil (2015). The choices of weights in the iterative convex minorant algorithm.
  32. Jasper Velthoen (2014). Estimation of extreme value index for imprecise data.
  33. Thomas Becker (2014). Variable selection.
  34. Ramona Boes (2014). Een statistische analyse van Wicksell’s lichaampjes probleem.
  35. Sofie van den Hoogen (2014). Verwachte tijd tot verwachting.
  36. Danielle de Groot (2014). Periodieke controle op prostaatkanker: doen of niet doen?
  37. Jolien de Haas (2014). Causaliteit en de paradoxen van Simpson en Berkson.
  38. Pien Alberts (2014). Approximate Bayesian Computation method.
  39. Said El Bouhaddani (2012). De supremumfout van de Grenander schatter.  
  40. Jeroen Brouwer (2011). Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
  41. Sander Boersma (2011). De taut string methode binnen het Current Status model
  42. Fieke Taal (2011),Statistische analyse overkomstpercentage poststukken.
  43. Arien Mol (2011), Valideren van een model voor de deformaties van de prostaat voor radiotherapie
  44. Frits Dannenberg (2010). Sparse principal components analysis.
  45. Rick Brandt (2010). S-toets toegepast op delay-vectoren.
  46. Wikash Sewlal (2010). Dantzig Selector: het schatten van een sparse parametervector met weinig metingen.
  47. Sebastiaan Borst (2009). De beste uitval in heren floret vanuit een wiskundig perspectief.
  48. Sanne Aalbers (2009). Statistiek in de rechtszaal, wiskundige modellen achter de zaak Lucia de B.
  49. Bart Hoorens (2009). Meervoudig hypothesen toetsen, toegepast op microarrays.
  50. (gehonoreerd met de VVS Bachelor-scriptieprijs 2010).
  51. Marieke de Ruijter (2008) Determining the median lethal dose.
  52. Wander Wadman (2007) Optimalisering van de snelheid van een drukpers.
  53. Bram Kuijvenhoven (2005) The Maximum Likelihood Estimator in Competing Risks with Interval Censoring. Werkzaam als financieel wiskundige bij ABN AMRO Asset & Liability Management.