Meet the faculty D&I team – Brainstorming session

With Dr. Roberto Merino-Martinez

17 oktober 2024 12:45 t/m 13:30 - Locatie: Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, lecture room B | Zet in mijn agenda

This event will introduce the D&I team of the faculty of Aerospace Engineering and presents an overview of our work so far. In addition, we will conduct a brainstorming session with the audience to gather valuable information on what D&I topics we should focus on. A skilled cartoonist will document the discussion in a fun and creative manner.

Roberto is a tenure-track assistant professor at the Aircraft Noise and Climate Effects (ANCE) section of the Aerospace Engineering Faculty of TU Delft. He is also a member of the D&I faculty team. 

Besides Roberto is also a part-time aeroacoustics consultant for the engineering company Peutz B.V. Roberto obtained his BSc and MSc in Aerospace Engineering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in Spain after completing a research stay in the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) of Stockholm, Sweden within an Erasmus grant. After that, he obtained his PhD cum laude in TU Delft in December 2018. Afterwards he worked 3 years as a postdoctoral researcher in the same research group.

More information, including the photos and bios of our members can be found in:

Target group: Students and staff 

Number of participants:  Unlimited

Format: Introduction event

Food options: Lunch (sandwiches) will be served before the event

Accessibility of the room booked: Wheelchair friendly. No sign language interpreter. 

Language: English