Inclusive Project Teams

With Stefan Persaud MSc and Bas Flipsen MSc

03 oktober 2024 12:45 t/m 13:30 - Locatie: Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (Building 32) - Studio 23/24 (ground floor) | Zet in mijn agenda

Stefan Persaud MSc
Senior Lecturer TU Delft 
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering

Bas Flipsen MSc
Senior Lecturer TU Delft
Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering

Stefan and Bas are Educational Researchers and Developers in Pedagogy, Didactics and Team dynamics for Engineers.

Stefan Persaud and Bas Flipsen will provide a workshop from their new book” CONNECT “The magic formula of coaching design teams” based on their Comenius research on Inclusive Design Teams. The workshop is about creating a safe space within project teams, not just theory but actually doing and engaging. So, your first step on your journey is already taken.

Target group: Students, Academic staff and Support staff

Number of participants: 30 

Format: Workshop

Food options: No lunch and drinks served

Accessibility of the room booked: TBD when room is booked

Language: English