Unlocking opportunities: health consortium grants and cross-sector collaborations

27 februari 2024 09:30 t/m 12:30 - Locatie: TU Delft Aula Conference Centre | Zet in mijn agenda

This event is part of the TU Delft Health month

Are you eager to unlock the secrets behind establishing impactful collaborations, securing consortium research grants, and propelling your academic career to new heights?
Look no further! The Research Funding Team is thrilled to invite you to a transformative panel discussion with experts from some of our university's successful health research consortia.

Registration & information:  https://www.aanmelder.nl/consortiumfunding/home

How do you navigate partnerships with companies, public entities, and fellow academicians and harness these collaborations for ground-breaking research endeavours? How do you write compelling proposals that fit the funding instrument of your choice? And what about all the other requirements, such as NDAs, co-financing, and consortium agreements? Our panellists will share practical tips, success stories, and crucial pitfalls to avoid in this dynamic landscape.

If you are a young and eager health researcher looking for a roadmap to success in obtaining consortium grants and establishing impactful collaborations, then come and join us for an enlightening session on 27 February 2024, from 9:30 to 12:30 at the TU Delft Aula Conference Centre!

Don't miss this opportunity to network with peers, learn from the best, and chart your course towards research excellence!