Existential Tuesday: (When) is privilege a problem?

17 september 2024 12:45 t/m 13:30 - Locatie: TU Delft Library, The Nook | Zet in mijn agenda

We should all be equal in the eyes of the law, but we’re not. Whether it’s money, connections, fame, the color of your skin, your gender, or otherwise, everyone has different levels of privileges and disadvantages. To what extent (if any) is it acceptable for there to be differences in what people can get access to, like education, food, housing, etc? Is it okay for there to be differences in what people can get away with? Are there any privileges that we could and should abolish?

This is a short conversation about privilege, what it is, and how each of us feels that society should deal with it.

Exitential Tuesdays

Existential Tuesdays are small weekly* lunch discussions in the Nook of the TUD Library. Practice your critical thinking skills, learn to see the world from different perspectives, and hang out with your fellow deep thinkers in Delft. Interested in other events in the Nook? Sign up for the newsletter to find out what else we’re planning.

*no sessions during exam weeks or study weeks

Check out SG’s related events this quarter on the theme: Power and Privilege 

This quarter is all about wealth, greed, and the roots of inequality. With more billionaires than ever, global crises in the 21st century have enriched the few while billions have been made poorer. Can our society keep sustaining this divide?  And if not, where will you stand in the next mass uprising? Check full calander.


Organised by: Studium Generale