Fluid Dynamics in Sustainable Energy - Course

08 april 2025 09:00 t/m 11 april 2025 17:00 - Locatie: TU/e | Zet in mijn agenda

Location: Eindhoven University of Technology

Yali Tang (TU/e), Richard Stevens (UT), Willem Haverkort (TUD) 


This 4-day course gives an overview of how knowledge on fluid dynamics is essential in the design and operation of sustainable energy systems. Think of: wind, thermo-solar, and tidal energy, electrolysis & hydrogen technology, catalysis and batteries, heat storage, etc.

Various experts on the following topics as organized per day below:
Day-1: Lectures on general fluid mechanics in energy challenges including multiscale experimental and numerical approaches.
Day-2: Fluid mechanics for wind energy.
Day-3: Fluid mechanics for electrochemical conversion.
Day-4: Fluid mechanics for gaseous and solid fuels.

For more information, contact:
Yali Tang | Y.Tang2@tue.nl