New Joiners Drinks October

16 oktober 2024 17:30 t/m 19:45 - Locatie: Mooie Boules Delft | Zet in mijn agenda

New to Delft? Welcome! We understand how overwhelming it can be for new international employees (and their partners) to move to a new country, start a new job, and begin building a new community. Over a couple drinks and tasty snacks, at New Joiners Drinks, you will:

  • Socialize with other internationals who have recently arrived and who are going through similar experiences as you
  • Meet members of the Coming to Delft Service who will continue to assist you with your transition
  • Learn about useful resources for expats in the Netherlands
  • Play a few games of "Jeu de Boules"!

International TU Delft employees and their partners
Wednesday, 16 October from 17:30-19:45 
Mooie Boules Delft
Professor Schermerhornstraat 9-11
2628 CN Delft
Click here for directions

Cancellation policy
Out of respect for the staff, vendors, and participants on the waiting list, we kindly ask that you let us know at least 24 hours in advance if you are unable to join.

Please register here by Thursday, 10 October, 23:59pm. If you are not registered and on the list you will be welcome to join but not eligible for a free drink, so if you are coming with your partner, please make sure you fill in the registration form once for every participant. 

Please send us an email at if you have any questions or if there is anything you would like to tell us.