Online Career Cafe for young alumni – 15 oktober

15 oktober 2024 19:30 t/m 22:00 - Locatie: Online | Zet in mijn agenda

We are hosting the next online Career Cafe for young alumni on Tuesday 15 October 2024.

At this event young alumni (up to 5 years after graduation) can learn from the experiences of more senior alumni. Graduates who are yet to take their first step on the job market and those who might already be looking for their second job/position could greatly benefit from the tips and tricks from our more experienced alumni. This way the alumni network can help shape the future of our recent graduates.

About the online Career Cafe

During 3 rounds of speed dating, young alumni will have the opportunity to talk to senior alumni from various working fields:from start-ups to academia and from corporate to governmental organizations. This hopefully will give a good perspective on the different types of companies/institutions you could work for. After these 3 rounds we start the informal networking part of the event where young alumni can choose who they would like to talk to.

Are you a young alum and would you like to learn from more senior alumni?

As a young TU Delft alum you are at the beginning of your professional career. It might very well be that you could use some help to decide what the first or the next step in your professional life will be. 
And who better to help you than our own alumni community? Senior alumni who already have some years of professional experience would love to share their experiences with you to help you find out which career path suits your strengths, qualities and interests. They know where you came from and they know what could be next, which makes them ideal sparring partners. 

You will receive an overview of the coaches a few days prior to the event. We will make sure you will meet alumni with a broad range of career paths during the 3 rounds of speed dating. If there are any alumni you are especially interested in meeting, you can do so at the ‘informal networking’ part of the event. 

Are you a senior alum and would you like to share your professional experiences?

We are looking for alumni coaches (> 10 years working experience) who would like to share their professional experiences with our recent graduates. The career path you have taken and the choices you have made, could all be of inspiration to the new generation of Delft engineers. At the start of their professional lives, they can learn a lot from senior alumni like you. Why did you choose to work in your specific field? Is there anything you would have done differently? And what tips would you like to pass on? 

We expect from our alumni coaches to enjoy sharing their experience with young alumni and dare asking them critical questions. The event is open for both Dutch and international alumni so you need to be comfortable communicating in English. 
We will give further instructions and tips on how to coach via an online workshop in the week prior to the event. 

I got a lot of advice, and learnt a lot about how I can better what I am doing at the moment. It exceeded my expectations.

Young alumni

Warm and powerful supportive encouragement and inspiration.

Young alumni

To help young alumni get more out of their current job and telling them things I would have loved to hear when I was in their position.

Senior alumni coaches

I did not have this support in my time and by helping out I can give something back to the new generation.

Senior alumni coaches