ELLIS Poster Event

14 juni 2023 14:00 t/m 17:00 - Locatie: MONDAI HOUSE OF AI (@NEXT DELFT, MOLENGRAAFFSINGEL 8) - Door: ELLIS Unit Delft | Zet in mijn agenda

The event will consist of short presentations and discussion covering the Delft AI ecosystem, as well as past activities and future ambitions of ELLIS Delft. We are also hosting an exciting interdisciplinary faculty panel. The main event which is a poster session & competition will follow, ending with drinks and snacks.

We are particularly hopeful that many of the PhD students and postdocs of our unit, i.e., those supervised by an ELLIS Delft faculty member, will be able to present a poster. This does not need to be new work, it can also be a poster already presented elsewhere.

If there are further questions please send an email to Dr. Charalampos Andriotis. Looking forward to getting together and celebrating AI at TU Delft!