Workshop "How to present to keep your audience's attention"

19 mei 2022 08:45 t/m 17:30 | Zet in mijn agenda

In this workshop Mark Robinson will explain how you can make your presentations more clear, more focused and much more persuasive!

What to expect

A four-hour workshop with Mark Robinson. Asking these questions:

  • What makes a great presentation?
  • Why are so many presentations so boring?
  • And how can you ensure that, when you next give a presentation, you keep everyone's attention for your first word until your last?

Mark has not only given advanced presentation skills workshops to over 700 technical staff, nor is he is a TEDx speaker, he's a TEDx speaker coach and the author of Speak Inspire Empower. Mark also shares his inspirational talk on the 19th of April 2022 at TU Delft.

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