The Green Initiative: Highlighting Sustainability at TPM
23 maart 2022 10:00 t/m 16:45 | Zet in mijn agenda
Met de jaren wordt steeds duidelijker hoe groot de impact van klimaatverandering is op onze leefomgeving, en op onze levens. Daarom organiseert Green TU The Green Initiative. Op woensdag 23 maart zijn er op de hele universiteit verschillende activiteiten in het kader van sustainability.
Op de faculteit TBM wordt dit evenement gecoördineerd door Linda Kamp, de sustainability coördinator van de faculteit, en het GreenTeam TPM. In samenwerking met tal van andere organisaties aan de faculteit organiseren we de hele dag verschillende events voor studenten en medewerkers.
Onder andere: om 13:45 in zaal A een Townhall meeting met TUD Sustainability Coordinator Andy van den Dobbelsteen en onze decaan Aukje Hassoldt.
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Zie hieronder het programma en de inschrijflinks.
Time 10:00 – 11:00 Locatie Room B Taal Engels Organisator GreenTeam TPM Abstract Climate Neutral Group will host an interactive session on sustainable supply chain management. We will gain insight into a practical case of one of our own clients: a global market leader in audio-visual products, with a supplychain running across the world.
Throughout the session, we expect you to voice your opinion about responsibilities for consumers, for producers and for global brands, in reducing the impact of the products that we use every day.
We will also answer all of your questions about starting a career in consultancy and last but not least we will offer you a chance to apply for a job with us and to come and join our team after the summer! -
Time 10:00 – 12:00 Locatie Room C Taal Nederlands Organisator GreenTeam TPM Abstract In deze presentatie en workshop nemen we jullie mee in de wereld van de netbeheerder. Want met de energietransitie in volle gang, werken wij hard aan het energienet van vandaag en het duurzame morgen. Na een presentatie over wat een netbeheerder nou precies doet, hoe het Nederlandse elektriciteitsnetwerk werkt én hoe je jouw duurzame ambities bij een netbeheer kan laten gelden, duiken we in de Regionale Energie Strategie van Noord-Holland Noord. Want de provincie heeft ambitieuze klimaatplannen voor zon- en windenergie, maar past deze duurzame opwek wel op het elektriciteitsnet? We zien jullie graag op 23 maart! -
Time 11:00 – 12:00 Location Room B Language Engels Organisator GreenTeam TPM Abstract In this session, you will get to know Prysmian and how they contribute to sustainability. You will also be participating in a case study, oriented towards the policy aspects of sustainability and business. The sessions will close with an HR presentation, in which you can get to know their different trainee programmes (international students are welcome too!). -
Time 12:00 – 13:00 Location Room C Language Engels Organisator Representative Council Abstract We invite TPM employees to join on March 23 in Hall C (TPM) a discussion facilitated by OdC about “Intercultural perspectives on sustainability at TPM and TU Delft.”
TU Delft aims at taking climate actions and transitioning the university to a more sustainable path. Whereas many conventional ideas about reducing carbon emissions are already discussed, in our view, this discussion can benefit from intercultural input. Since the TPM faculty comprises employees with diverse cultural and educational backgrounds, we believe that we can contribute with intercultural perspectives on sustainability at the faculty by reflecting on sustainable practices for our home countries.
The intention for OdC is to be a platform and gather employee insights, ideas and concerns to bring to TPM management. -
Time 12:45 – 13:30 Location Room A Language Nederlands Organisator S.V.T.B. Curius Abstract Lecture about how Rijkswaterstaat manages their infrastructure in a sustainable manner -
Time 13:45 – 14:45 Location Room A Language Engels Organisator Linda Kamp, Sustainability Coordinator of TPM Faculty, and GreenTeam TPM Abstract This Townhall meeting is organized by Linda Kamp, Sustainability Coordinator of TPM Faculty, and the GreenTeam TPM.
The meeting will be opened by our Dean Aukje Hassoldt. Then, TU Delft Sustainability Coordinator Andy van den Dobbelsteen and Deirdre van Gameren will present the plans for a sustainable TU Delft. Their presentation is followed by a discussion with TPM staff and students about the options for everyone to contribute to climate action. We hope that many of you will join so that we can have a lively discussion!No subscription needed -
Time 14:45 – 15:45 Location Room A Language Engels Organisator Delft Circularity Lab Abstract The Delft Circularity Lab (DCL) is a TPM faculty-wide initiative that connects staff members, researchers, and students that work on circularity and circular economy. The DCL is also part of a TU-wide group of colleagues and students in other faculties of the TU Delft. During the Sustainability Day, the Delft Circularity Lab (DCL) will present how to focus on resource efficiency and energy transition in an industrial context. The circularity or sustainability of a single industrial operation is often difficult to define because of the embeddedness of single operations in a larger value chain of actors and consumers that goes beyond the responsibilities of the individual plant management. A larger system perspective places the engineering aspects besides non-engineering issues and offers a structural insight into the allocation and problem decomposition of those various issues. The presentation will talk specifically about three research ambitions of 1) circular business model experimentation, 2) potential mapping of industrial exchange, and 3) modelling the behaviour of network actors.
Time 15:45 – 16:45 Location Room B Language Engels Organisator Faculty Council Abstract Time to stop consuming information, time to start participating!
Join the Student Council on our 45 minute journey to a more sustainable TPM. After some proper introduction of the topics, we will host a structural workshop with discussion that can move the faculty forward!
We are very excited to hear what you, as a student, would improve! Meet your fellow student in conversation: Discuss, Clash, Agree!
The topics are revolving around a few selected sustainable development goals: Quality education (4), Gender equality and reduced inequalities (5, 10), Responsible consumption and production (12), climate action (13) and peace justice and strong institutions (16). -
Time 15:45 – 16:45 Location Room C Language Engels Organisator Energy Transition Lab Abstract The Energy Transition Lab (ETL) PhD group will organize a speed-dating/flash session with snacks and drinks in which PhD candidates in TPM will give a 2-min pitch on their research projects to the audience. The goal of our participation is to inform the TPM community about the ETL areas of research to ultimately foster collaborations.