Alumni & Students Drinks Singapore

17 juli 2022 16:30 t/m 18:30 | Zet in mijn agenda


ID, the study assocation of the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering is visiting Singapore and would love to meet up with local alumni at an informal borrel on Sunday 17 July from 4.30-6.30 pmEna Voûte, Dean of the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering will give you an update of what is currently happening at your university and professor Frido Smulders will join as well.

Are you interested in catching up with fellow alumni and to meet our students? Then register and we will update you on the location soon.

About ID's study trip - Flight Case.

Flight Case is a yearly international summer programme by the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of Delft University of Technology. The programme aims to connect companies with 28 carefully selected Master's students and two leading professors in Industrial Design Engineering. We will team up with various companies to tackle their challenges and to create dynamic and innovative solutions as well as lasting connections for future collaborations. This experience consists of two main periods: an in-depth research preparation in The Netherlands and an action phase at the corporation location.