Masterclasses for PhD supervisors | Supervising in Stressful Times | 7 June

07 juni 2021 14:30 t/m 17:00 - Locatie: Online - Door: Teaching Academy | Zet in mijn agenda

During this masterclass we will facilitate the opportunity to get acquainted with other supervisors and share your experiences, good and bad. Together you will explore how to and (how not to) supervise during this stressful time. You will do so by gaining insight in your own supervising-style, sharing and broadening your knowledge about stress and by practicing how to approach a PhD candidate that is struggling.

The goal of this masterclass is to help experienced and less experienced supervisors to further develop and share their supervising skills.

You can sign up for a single session by sending an email to
Please include the following details in your email: name, email address and the date of the session you are signing up for.

  • Participants: maximum of 12
  • Dates: 17 May, 23 June, 7 June
  • Time: 14:30 – 17:00
  • Costs: Free