Effects of Thermal Ageing on Electrical and Mechanical Properties of Medium Voltage Cable Joint Components

03 augustus 2022 10:00 - Locatie: Timmanzaal, LB01.170 - Door: DCE&S | Zet in mijn agenda

MSc thesis of Ayan Bhardwaj

Medium voltage cable joints are expected to operate for 30-40 years after successful installation. During the course of ageing, components inside a cable joint exhibit change in their physical and material properties. To determine this change, components like silicon insulation liquids and silicone rubber deflectors were thermally aged and tested to measure the extent of variation in their electrical and mechanical properties. The adopted range of accelerated ageing temperatures and duration were effective as it depicted the change in properties. The outcome was then related a cable joint, explaining the effects it can have on the functioning of the joint.