Implementation of Ans as basic assessment system

As already announced in the previous edition Ans has emerged as winner of the tender for digital assessment tooling after a careful process. This means that TU Delft will use Ans as standard assessment tool. Ans is a good solution for most assessments, but there might be some exceptions where another tool is a better fit.

The project team will ensure that Ans will run in a secure digital exam environment on TU Delft computers and can be used for on-campus and remote digital assessment, as well as for handwritten exams (students complete printed exams on paper, exams are scanned and graded online).

The project team will take care that the implementation fits in as well as possible with the academic year schedule. The implementation will take place in coordination with each faculty. The expectation is that Ans will be available in spring 2023 for wide use. Well ahead of that, existing exam (and practice) questions in other centrally supported systems such as Möbius will be automatically copied to Ans. This is to support teachers as much as possible. In addition, training on Ans will also be available.

Keep an eye on the Educator to stay informed. If you have questions, feedback or concerns about what the implementation of Ans as basic assessment system means for your education, please mail to the project lead Inez de Fluiter via The project team values your input and welcomes any feedback!

If you would like to know more about digital assessment and support, please visit the website Teaching & Learning Support.