Digital Assessment looking for the best fit

Over time, different forms of digital testing have emerged for all kinds of reasons within the TU, supported by different platforms. It is now impossible to imagine the current assessment landscape without digital assessment. As contract end dates draw closer, there is a need to look more closely at the way digital assessment is set up at the TU. On the one hand, purchasing rules must be applied correctly to comply with regulations and laws, and on the other hand, this is also a good time to see what is really needed and whether what has evolved over time is still the best fit.

The Digital Assessment project was therefore started at the beginning of 2020. This project is part of the ESA Digital Excellence for Education (DEE) program. A start was made on making an inventory of the experiences with the current assessment systems (Möbius, ANS, Grasple, Weblab, etc.). Due to Corona, the use of the existing tools and the experience with them has increased because we were suddenly forced to test online remotely, while there was also less time to consider all the needs and wishes. At the current moment, it has been an opportune time to get started with a further inventory of faculty requirements and wishes. Insight was also obtained through a market consultation. Per faculty a focusgroup has started working on these questions. Each group consists of a number of lecturers, students and testing experts. This creates an increasingly clear picture of what we really need overall at the TU.

In the coming period we will process all input and convert this into an overview of functional requirements and other important preconditions. After a final check at the faculties and other involved parties, we will determine how to proceed with our process. We are expecting to launch a tender for one, or more, digital assessment tools/platforms that successfully match our current needs.

We will continue to keep you informed via the Educator. If you have questions about the project and/or how it is handled at your faculty, please contact the project manager: Inez de Fluiter, who can be reached via We value your input and welcome any feedback!

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