6. What should I consider in hybrid education?

What is hybrid education? And what should I keep in mind when shifting towards hybrid education? 

A few weeks ago the Teaching Academy dedicated an Education Conversation on hybrid education. In this session, both experienced and inexperienced TU Delft lecturers and support staff discussed the possibilities and implications of hybrid education for when we go back to campus (in the near future). 

What is hybrid education? 

During the Education Conversation hybrid education was defined as follows: “Education that is provided simultaneously to students who are on site and to students who are at a distance and participate online”. Positive effects were discussed, think about: Including students who don’t have the opportunity to go to campus (COVID or non-COVID related), and creating (more) flexibility for students. Challenges were also brought op, such as: How to engage both online and on-site students simultaneously. In and after the Education Conversation this raised questions that led to food for thought: 

  • What kind of technical materials do I need for hybrid education and are these materials available at my faculty? 
  • What room should I use for my hybrid lecture/workgroup? 
  • Which students should participate in my education on campus? Can I decide for myself who these students are? 
  • Who should I reach out to if I have (didactical) questions on making my education hybrid?
  • What other support do I need to make my hybrid education a success?

Coming up: an overview on hybrid education

At the moment, the Teaching Academy is working closely with experts from ESA, ICT and the faculties (didactical and room/AV support) to create an extensive overview on the considerations you can make when going hybrid. Click here to have a look at this regularly updated overview. 

Share your hybrid experiences

Note that the hybrid overview is a product of experiences shared by lecturers and support staff, and that it will be updated regularly. The aim of the overview is to facilitate lecturers in offering students hybrid education that is well thought out.\

In line with this, feel free to reach out and share your knowledge or experience on hybrid education by sending an email to teachingacademy@tudelft.nl

If you don’t want to miss out on hybrid education updates, make sure to keep an eye on the Teaching Academy website. 

PS. Recording available

Are you interested in watching the Education Conversation on hybrid education after reading this article? You can find the recording here.