Attending PRIMECH Events keeps me connected with lecturers outside my faculty and reminds me that there are people who care about education around me!

Mechanics Teacher

PRIMECH stands for PRogramme of Innovation in MECHanics education. This interfaculty project aims at innovating the way TU Delft provides Mechanics education at Bachelor-level. From our exploratory analysis with teachers and students of TU Delft, we found that there is a need for students to develop a deeper understanding of Mechanics and for better alignment between the Mechanics courses in each programme. This is a difficult challenge to face alone as a teacher.

We addressed this problem by launching the Mechanics Teachers Social Club, a community of practice. The goal of the club is for Mechanics teachers to meet, share teaching experiences and collaborate on exciting new education projects. Get a taste of the atmosphere at our community from the video below:

Good education in Mechanics is an art, a craft and a science together.

Mechanics Teacher

I really enjoy all the activities from PRIMECH so far and I'm also looking forward to work with you during the Accelerate initiative.

Mechanics Teacher

Upcoming PRIMECH Activities