The Wonderful World of Fluorine

Luminous stones and animals exist all over the world. They do not belong to the world of fairy tales, they really exist. However, you just won't see them often, because they are hidden in dark places. Deep under the ground, deep in the sea, or deep in the dark forest. Luminous stones are called fluorites. They can have all kinds of colours and often light up beautifully under certain lighting. Some animals reflect light, but there are also animals that can make light themselves.

In The Wonderful World of Fluorine, you will discover which stones and animals glow in the dark, without electricity. You will learn why fluorine is an important raw material and how animals use the light to lure prey into a trap or to scare away predators. You’ll go on a voyage of discovery through the underwater world, the magical cave, and the lush forest full of secrets. Enjoy this magical visit and discover nature's luminous treasures!

Madelijn Belle

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