
It is very important to properly educate future generations. Students at TU Delft learn how they can contribute to social problems through technical solutions, but safety and safe introduction of such solutions in complex socio-technical systems such as healthcare is crucial. The Center makes an active contribution to education in the field of care and safety in both the bachelor's and master's phases, so that students have an eye for safety. We also provide education to safety professionals.

Bachelor education

Clinical Technology

Within the Bachelor's program in Clinical Technology, we provide education in the Skills and Safety learning track. We train prospective clinical technologists to incorporate safety thinking early in their training. In the first year, students learn which concepts matter in safety, placed in the history of safety science and what you need for technology to be safe. In the second year, students are provided with methods and techniques to analyze and manage risks, scenarios and processes. In the third year, students work independently to investigate bottlenecks in clinical practice and make suggestions to improve the safety and quality of care.

Ethics & Safety

Safety and ethics are inextricably linked. The course Ethics & Safety is given to students in the second year of Technical Public Administration. The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic concepts and methods of philosophy of science, ethics and safety science. Students learn to connect these research domains during various lectures and group assignments. Students are challenged to devise and carry out their own pilot study, in which they describe a research question, as well as their methods, results and a critical and ethical reflection on their work.


Health Systems Management

The Health System Management course is part of the Bachelor minor ‘MedTech Entrepreneurship’ and is about the organization of healthcare systems and opportunities for entrepreneurship in healthcare. Safety has a permanent place in this course, based on the principles of safe design and responsible entrepreneurship. These principles are applied to a (technological) solution or improvement for a problem in clinical practice that students come up with themselves.

Master education

Health Systems

Health Systems' is an elective course within the COSEM master on healthcare and modeling of the organization of health in a broader sense, set up in a broad collaboration within TPM. Our center provides education about the organization and effects of system interactions in healthcare, including safety.

Ongoing thesis projects

  • Andrea Santonastaso. Evaluating the impact of safety notices on knee implant utilization: a socio-technical analysis. Master thesis Complex Systems Engineering and Management (CoSEM).
  • Shounak Paul. Developing a methodology for regulators to assess the safety of high-risk medical device variants. Master thesis, Management of Technology (MoT).
  • Mart Vloet. How do we know today that hospital care will be safe tomorrow? Using routinely collected hospital data to predict the impact of changes in capacity on safety metrics. Master thesis Engineering & Policy Analysis (EPA).


Management of Safety, Health & Environment (MoSHE)

MoSHE is the post-initial training that has been provided to Dutch security professionals by the Safety & Security Science section of TU Delft for more than thirty years. The course of nine weeks of lessons spread over 1.5 years offers a broad view of topics in the field of safety management, with an eye for policy and strategy, risk management, risk analysis, safety leadership, culture and behavior, health and well-being, the environment and effort evaluation. The employees of the Center for Safety in Healthcare ensure the coordination of this education and make an important contribution to the course program. For more information about MoSHE, follow this link.