Publications and data

Journal papers:

  • Langer J, Blok K. The global techno-economic potential of floating, closed-cycle ocean thermal energy conversion. J Ocean Eng Mar Energy 2023.
  • Langer J, Cahyaningwidi AA, Chalkiadakis C, Quist J, Hoes O, Blok K. Plant siting and economic potential of ocean thermal energy conversion in Indonesia a GIS-based methodology. Vol. 224, Energy. Elsevier Ltd; 2021.
  • Langer J, Infante Ferreira C, Quist J. Is bigger always better? Designing economically feasible ocean thermal energy conversion systems using spatiotemporal resource data. Vol. 303, Applied Energy. Elsevier Ltd; 2022.
  • Langer J, Lombardi F, Pfenninger S, Rahayu HP, Al Irsyad MI, Blok K. The role of inter-island transmission in full decarbonisation scenarios for Indonesia's power sector. Environmental Research: Energy 1 025006. 
  • Langer J, Quist J, Blok K. Upscaling scenarios for ocean thermal energy conversion with technological learning in Indonesia and their global relevance. Vol. 158, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Elsevier Ltd; 2022.
  • Langer, J., Kwee, Z., Zhou, Y., Isabella, O., Ashqar, Z., Quist, J., Praktiknjo, A. and Blok, K., 2023. Geospatial analysis of Indonesia's bankable utility-scale solar PV potential using elements of project finance. Energy, 283, p.128555.  
  • Langer, J., Quist, J., Blok, K. Review of Renewable Energy Potentials in Indonesia and Their Contribution to a 100% Renewable Electricity System. Energies 2021, 14, 7033.
  • Langer, J., Simanjuntak, S., Pfenninger, S., Laguna, A.J., Lavidas, G., Polinder, H., Quist, J., Rahayu, H.P. and Blok, K., 2022. How offshore wind could become economically attractive in low-resource regions like Indonesia. Iscience, 25(9).
  • Langer, J., Zaaijer, M., Quist, J. and Blok, K., 2023. Introducing site selection flexibility to technical and economic onshore wind potential assessments: New method with application to Indonesia. Renewable Energy, 202, pp.320-335. 
  • Setyowati, A.B. and J. Quist. (2022). Contested Transition? Exploring the Politics and Processes of Regional Energy Planning in Indonesia. Energy Policy.  

Opinion articles:

Policy Report:

  • Seah, S., McGowan, P. J. K., Low, M. Y. X., Martinus, M., Ghoshray, A., Lorusso, M., Wong, R., Lee, P. O., Elliott, L., Setyowati, A., Rahman, S., and Quirapas-Franco, M. J. 2021.  Energy Transitions in ASEAN. The British High Commission and the COP26Universities Network.