
The work we do at the Energy Transition Lab aims to integrate the science of psychology and the science of complex system modelling, embedding it into energy transition research. The two projects on Behaviour and Design are the heart of the lab. The Behaviour-project takes the perspective of social psychology, integrating behavioural insights and methodology into agent-based models. The Design-project takes the perspective of inverse agent-based modelling, helping forward theory building in social psychology. The third project on Exploration is our ‘playground’ where new ways of collaborative research are explored.

Funded current projects

Experience, preference and challenge sharing platform for house users

Post-war recovery and energy independence strategy through biogas deployment in Ukrainian agriculture

Public perception towards alternatives for thermal energy consumption and the future of natural gas

Deploying Participatory Value Evaluation (PVE) in Energy Transition - Peruvian Case

Exploratory assessment of vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology and factors impacting its intended adoption

Funded past projects

External projects