Anchor Links Example

Analyse assignments

This page explains how you can analyse the quality of Questions and Assignments in Ans. This analysis uses the scores per Question and can be used to objectively check if Questions need to be removed from the Assignment, before publishing the results. If you are ready to share the results with your students you can check this page how to publish results .

Analysis of Questions and whole Assignments improve overall assessment quality over time. This page will explain several Characteristics, Metrics and Mark statistics of an Assignment, followed by insights into the quality of individual Questions. Finally, an explanation follows how to adjust the contribution of Questions in calculating the score to pass and the final grade of the Assignment.   

Insights Overview

You can find an analysis of the Assignment Results on the Insights tab.

  1. Go to your Course.
  2. Go to your Assignment.
  3. Click the Insights tab.
  4. Click the Overview submenu.
Anchor Links Example