Anchor Links Example

6. Assessment competence

The TU Delft sees their lecturers as professionals in education after completing the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ). They are capable of independently running and continuously improving their course. Since assessment is an important part of education, this implies that lecturers are competent in designing the assessment of a course, and in developing, administering, scoring/feedbacking and grading assessments (see Quality requirement 9). This is in line with the human resource policy, which states that employees are trained for their tasks and that employees can develop themselves further within their position41,42. Besides lecturers, there are many more people involved in assessment. This chapter describes how the TU Delft assures that the assessment stakeholders are competent for their assessment related tasks, as stated in Quality requirement 9. Details can be found in Appendix D.1 per building block of assessment (Figure 1 and Figure 4).

6.1 Integration of assessment competence in HR guidelines

6.2 Standard offer assessment qualifications and trainings

The TU Delft offers the following assessment trainings for teaching staff, members of educational management teams, and members of the boards of examiners. Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) organise the trainings. The TLS training offer is integrated into the Learning Hub50 of HR.

6.3 Requirements by boards of examiners on competence

6.4 Administration of assessment qualifications

The HR system keeps track of at least the TU-wide defined relevant assessment qualifications of staff. This is a condition to facilitate (digital) processes that ensure that employees with assessment tasks are qualified for their task (Quality requirement 9). The board of examiners can request access to the list of employees with a certain assessment qualification in order to appoint examiners, graduation committee members or other assessment related functions.

6.5 Overview of required and desired assessment qualifications & training

Table 4 summarises the required and desired qualifications for the main assessment related functions. The ‘required qualification’ column indicates what qualifications the TU Delft requires per function or task. In the faculty assessment policy, the faculty decides which of these ‘desired’ qualifications will be made ‘required’ within the faculty. The rightmost column indicates who within the faculty is accountable for stimulating their employees to obtain the qualification, or to decide to make a specific qualification mandatory.

Table 4. Main required and desired assessment qualifications at TU Delft.
Overview of main required and desired qualifications (middle and right column) per main assessment function or task (left column).


Required qualification

Desired qualification

Accountable for desired/required decision & stimulation






UTQ (within 3 years33)


Director of education

Track coordinators, learning line coordinators, etc.


Senior Examination Qualification (SEQ)

Director of education, head of department

Programme director


Leergang Onderwijskundig Leiderschap (LOL)

Dean & director of education

Director of education


Leergang Onderwijskundig Leiderschap (LOL)


Educational advisors / assessment advisors


Basic: BSc or MSc in Education or UTQ

Advanced: Assessment Expert qualification / Senior Examination Qualification

Head of ESA

Student assistants


Student Assistant Training

Director of education, BoEx

Assessors/supervisors of projects


SAP / GS courses / UTQ


Members of the board of examiners


Board of examiners training (within 1 year53)


6.6 Offering information and support

This section describes what the TU Delft offers for assessment stakeholders in terms of assessment information during onboarding, the accessibility of assessment information in general, support and advice by assessment experts, and peer support within the assessment supporters’ community (Focus on Assessment).

mmm A ‘result area’ is an HR term. It could be described as a criterion on which employees are assessed in the R&D (result & development) cycle.

nnn UNL: Universities of The Netherlands, Universiteiten van Nederland (UNL), previously known as VSNU (Vereniging van Samenwerkende Nederlandse Universiteiten).

ooo The four technical universities (4TU) defined the UTQ competences. They can be found in the 4TU UTQ regulations51.

ppp The TU Delft assessment manual was previously known as the UTQ ASSESS reader until December 2022. More information on projects and larger assignments, more extensive guidelines on assessment, rubrics and assessing group work can be found in the book “How to assess students through assignments”17.

qqq This course was formerly called ‘Didactic Leadership Course’ in the ‘guidance document on career paths with emphasis on teaching in the position of Associate Professor and Full Professors’46

rrr For a concrete example, see the Rules & Guidelines of the Board of Examiners of CEG.