Support on Tooling

To make it easy to consult the number of tools that are currently used at TU Delft the information has been divided into four different overviews: centrally supported tools, MS Teams and educational tools and Möbius support tools. Read more about what you can find under each overview.

Supported Tools:

There are several tools available that you can use for education, many of which integrate with Brightspace. On this page you can find an overview of centrally supported learning tools that are currently used at TU Delft and information about those tools.

MS Teams for Education:

Teams, the digital hub for Microsoft 365 (M365) is a recently launched centrally supported tool which brings conversations, content and apps together in one place. On this page you can find further information on how to use Teams to communicate and collaborate with groups of students, teachers, and staff in any combination.

Educational Tooling:

On the following page you can find an overview of all the different tools that are currently being used across TU Delft (i.e. centrally supported and not supported). This overview has been developed by the workgroup Educational Tooling. The goal of this group is to advise on potential privacy and security risks, how to mitigate these and/or what possible alternative tools can be used.
For additions, feedback and suggestions on the overview please email

Möbius Support Overview:

On this page you find an overview of usefull support that help you in working with Möbius (digital assessment tool).
The overview provides links regarding: getting started with Möbius, creating an assessment in Möbius, formulating different types of questions in Möbius, Möbius grades, and webinars/trainings on Möbius. 


Möbius Support Overview

MS Teams for Education