

24 June 2021

Tackling the energy transition with the brand new Electrical Sustainable Power lab

Tackling the energy transition with the brand new Electrical Sustainable Power lab

The energy transition is the biggest societal challenge of this century. To achieve the climate targets, the Netherlands needs to generate much more solar and wind energy. But is our electricity grid even ready for this? Unfortunately not. To tackle this challenge, TU Delft has recently built a brand new lab, the Electrical Sustainable Power Lab (ESP Lab).

26 March 2021

TU Delft builds supercomputer on own campus

TU Delft builds supercomputer on own campus

TU Delft is building the Delft High-Performance Computing Centre (DHPC). This supercomputer complements existing national and cloud-based facilities, and offers academics and students greater flexibility when conducting their research. The arrival of the supercomputer is accompanied by a comprehensive training programme addressing the effective use of computing facilities.

24 February 2021

TU Delft develops 'brains' for buildings

TU Delft develops 'brains' for buildings

A large consortium led by TU Delft is going to provide ‘brains’ to buildings. The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has allocated 6.9 million euro to the Brains 4 Buildings project.

10 February 2021

5.7 million euro for hybrid energy storage systems

5.7 million euro for hybrid energy storage systems

The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy has allocated 5.7 million euro to FLEXINet. In the upcoming years, the FLEXINet consortium will develop hybrid energy storage systems – capable of storing both heat and electricity. Pavol Bauer, professor at TU Delft and project leader and coordinator: ‘The aim of FLEXINet is a system that accelerates the energy transition. We hope to make a substantial contribution to reaching climate targets by cleverly combining various techniques – think of blending recycled batteries with flexible heat pumps and the charging of electric cars.’

20 November 2020

Team ZED from the Delft University of Technology has won 4TU Impact Challenge

Team ZED from  the Delft University of Technology has won 4TU Impact Challenge

Team ZED has won the Dutch 4TU Impact Challenge and goes to the World Expo in Dubai.