There are various course offerings on topics related to the PowerWeb. Below is a list of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) offered by PowerWeb and links to courses and academic programs offered at TU Delft related to PowerWeb topics. 

Massive Open Online Course(MOOCs)

Business Implications of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems

Learn how digital technologies help with the energy transition and then how to use this to develop future potential business models in various energy and energy-dependent sectors.

Digitalisation of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems

Learn where and how to apply intelligence to the energy grid to create a digitalized, automated, integrated and optimized energy system. The course discusses state-of-the-art digital technologies, so you are at the forefront of the power grid revolution.

Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems in Transition: an introduction for decision-makers

Gain insight into the technology, economics, governance and management of the energy system and its current transitions to combat climate change so you can take appropriate decisions and design feasible policies.

Technology of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems

Design an integrated energy system recognizing the role of intelligent use of various technologies including renewable energy sources, energy storage, electric vehicles, thermal systems and interconnected multi-carrier grids.

Smart Grids: Modeling

Learn to build a model of a smart power grid, and to diagnose the effects of disturbances from variable renewable energy resources and intelligent demand on the grid.

Smart Grids: The Basics

Understand the basics of smart grids. Learn about their heterogeneity, dynamics, control, and about security and assessment strategies.