

19 November 2020

New approach to make the cloud run sustainably

New approach to make the cloud run sustainably

Just like the roads that provide access to them and the dikes that protect them, cloud datacentres have become an essential part of our national, and worldwide, infrastructure. Thanks to capacity planning research by TU Delft master’s student Georgios Andreadis, these datacentres may continue to meet the ever-growing computational demands while reducing their operational costs and increasing their efficiency and environmental sustainability.

03 November 2020

Successful international conference on the future of smart grids

Successful international conference on the future of smart grids

The 10th edition of the IEEE PES ISGT Europe Conference, a flagship conference of IEEE Power & Energy Society, was hosted by the TU Delft this year. It was very successfully organized in a virtual fashion. Participants joined from 47 different countries, spread over five continents, with more than 30% having an affiliation outside Europe.

30 September 2020

H2020 project: new market design for 100% renewable energy systems

H2020 project: new market design for 100% renewable energy systems

The move towards a near 100% renewable European power system requires an innovative electricity market design. The EU-funded TradeRES project will test a new market design in a simulation environment.

03 February 2020

Kick-Off DEI 2.0

Kick-Off DEI 2.0

On 29 January Kornelis Blok took over the role as Chair for the Delft Energy Initiative (DEI). Rector Magnificus Tim van der Hagen applauded Paulien Herder for her achievements as Chair for the last 6.5 years. DEI will forward here work with 4 main energy pillars and has chosen 4 new themes to help them grow.

09 January 2020

€3.3m research funding to establish trust in the internet economy

€3.3m research funding to establish trust in the internet economy

Sovereignty4Europe, an interdisciplinary research project that aims to start an online community of 50,000 internet users to evaluate the principles of an ‘internet of trust’, has received €3.3 million of research funding.