Professor Paulien Herder

"Paulien is perceived by many students within the TPM faculty as a very enthusiastic, efficient and involved person. In spite of Paulien's very busy schedule, she gives – every year-  lectures to students in the energy specialization. The way Paulien shares her knowledge and experiences with her students is very inspiring and unique within the faculty. Her open and accessible attitude is very pleasant for all students and ensures a very good relationship between Professor Herder and her students" says study association S.V.T.B. Curius.

Attend the Best Professor Award ceremony 2018?

That's possible!
When: 3 September, 10.30 AM
Where: Senaatszaal, Auditorium Conference Center, TU Delft
Register via email:
Prof. Paulien Herder, Professor Engineering Systems Design in Energy & Industry (Technology, Policy and Management) - winner 2017