Get connected with your fellow TU Delft students

via the online community platform Goin'!

Goin' is the social platform where you can meet both other new students and students already in the TU Delft community. The mobile app helps you meet people with mutual interests, background or study programme. 

In addition, the platform has some other features that might be interesting for you!


Job openings

Looking for a student-assistant job on campus? Via the ‘Discover’ button you can find what job openings are at TU Delft 



Which events are happening on and around campus? Go to the ‘Discover’ page and behind the EVENTS tab you can find an overview of what events are organized for you.



Looking for peer-to-peer information, making connections with students with shared interests or from your home country? There are 100+ communities that you can join. Can’t find the one you’re looking for? Create a community yourself!


How to create an account on Goin'?

Check your TU Delft mail and look for the Q-update sent to you in the first week of September 2024, which contained information about the Goin’ app and a registration link. Can’t find that? Send an email to and we’ll help you!

Over Goin'


Using the Goin' app is your choice, Goin' will need your permission to process your personal data. To create a profile and be visible to others, Goin' need to process certain personal info.
Your one-to-one chats remain private. But for group chats, Goin' keep an eye on the chat to prevent inappropriate behavior. Your data and conversations are kept for as long as you use the app. If you decide to delete your profile or leave the app, Goin' will delete your data.

Contact and questions

Do you have questions about the Goin' app? Go to 'Profile' in the Goin' app and select 'Contact us'.