Campus Card

Campus Card distribution 2024-2025

You will receive an e-mail when your Campus Card is ready to collect. Have you not received an e-mail? Then your Campus card is not ready yet. Check whether you have uploaded a correct portrait photo (in MyTUDelft) and are enrolled at TU Delft (check the status of your enrolment in Studielink or MyTUDelft).

Students who have temporarily interrupted their studies and resume the studies in 2024-2025, will receive an e-mail at the beginning of October regarding the collection of a new Campus Card.

Please note:

The e-mail states the date and location on which you can collect your Campus Card. If you are unable to collect your Campus Card at the indicated time, you can collect it at the next distribution moment.

The official moments of distribution of the Campus Cards will be:

  • Wednesday 21 August 2024
  • Tuesday 3 September 2024
  • Thursday 19 September 2024

Location: TU Delft campus (specific location to be announced through e-mail).

What should I bring?

Please bring a valid identification document (passport, ID card or drivers licence) when you come to pick up your Campus Card. The Campus Card will only be issued after your identity has been verified.

Would you like to authorize someone else to collect your Campus Card? That is possible, this person must be able to show the following documents:

  • Own passport, ID card or driver's license;
  • (A copy of) your passport, ID card or driver's license;
  • A statement written and signed by you, stating that person X (mention the full name) may collect the Campus Card on your behalf.

Campus Card for students

The Campus Card is a means of identification for students within the TU Delft. You must be able to provide your Campus Card to gain access to certain buildings and the exam halls. If you cannot identify yourself, you may be excluded from participation.

In addition, the Campus Card provides access to various educational facilities, such as: parking lots, X, TU Delft Library, locker facilities and the ability to print, scan or copy. Visit for more information about printing.

Portrait photo

The Campus Card includes a digitized portrait photo (in JPG/JPEG) which you can upload by logging on to using your NetID. 

Campus Card 2023-2024

In case you have not picked up your Campus Card, you can request a new Campus Card with a valid form of identification. You can request a new Campus Card at the Contact Centre. For opening hours visit Contact Centre.

The costs for a new Campus Card are €7 and can only be paid for with your debit card (PIN).

New Campus Card

Are you a current student and do you need a new Campus Card? In these cases you can request a new Campus Card at the Contact Centre:

- the Campus Card is damaged or defect
- the Campus Card is missing (lost or stolen)*

* In case of a missing card, €7 will be charged for a new Campus Card. This can only be paid for by PIN. Was your Campus Card stolen and have you reported it? Then you do not have to pay, please bring the official police report with you.

For opening hours visit the Contact Centre webpage. When requesting a new Campus Card, please bring a valid form of identification and (if still in your possession) your old Campus Card.

Contact Centre

For questions, please contact the Contact Centre.