Prof. H.J. van der Maas Fund

In 1971 the Prof. H.J. van der Maas Fund was established in memory of the founder of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering with the help of a donation by the Fokker company.

The foundation has set itself the following goals:

  • The promotion, in the broadest sense of the word, of Aerospace Engineering at TU Delft, and in particular the research and education provided by the Faculty of the same name;
  • The promotion of successful education, in the broadest sense of the word, of the students of the TU Delft's Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, including the continued education of recently graduated engineers of this Faculty who wish to specialise further in this field.

Since its founding, many individual students, as well as the VSV Leonardo da Vinci Study Association, have received financial grants towards the cost of foreign internships, study trips and participation in symposia/conferences abroad.

Submitting an application for a grant

Every year there are 3 to 4 calls for application in the following months:

  • September (deadline September 30th)
  • December (deadline December 31st)
  • March (deadline March 31st)
  • Optionally June (deadline June 30th)

The decision is made in the month after the deadline.

If you think you are eligible, please fill in the form downloadable from the following links:

  • Click here for the Word-version of the form (to complete it digitally), print for hand-written signature
  • Click here for the pdf version form (fill in with pen)

Your application must be accompanied by:

  • a comprehensive budget of your income and expenditure during your study trip or internship. Include any contributions made by your parents or guardians, your own financial input and any grants to be provided by other funds (even if these have not yet been approved);
  • a recent overview of your study results

The address for submitting your application is:

Electronically (scan) via:


Processing applications:

The Board will make a decision on your application and the amount of the grant (if applicable) based on your application and the accompanying information. The applicant will be informed of the decision in writing.

Useful information:

  • Individual students may only apply for a grant from the Prof. H.J. van der Maas Fund once.
  • The maximum support per student is set at € 1000. For activities with a short time span, such as a symposium, a smaller contribution may be awarded.

The Fund's income is made up solely of interest returns and incidental donations provided by alumni.



The Board of the Prof. H.J. van der Maas Fund consists of:

  • J.M .Hoekstra, Full professor and former Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, President
  • Prof.dr. H.G.C. Werij, current Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Vice-president
  • M. Peters M.Sc,, General Director Royal NLR
  • President of VSV Leonardo da Vinci, Board Member
  • M. van Helden LL.M., Finance Manager of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Secretary



If you have any questions about the Prof. H.J. van der Maas Fund or the status of your application, you can contact the Fund via the e-mail address of the fund or contact the president J.M.Hoekstra.
