12-16 Feb - Exhale Week: a week to recharge & reconnect

Now that Exhale, a social living room powered by X, is finally up and running on West Square behind X, it's time to announce the first Exhale Week! Following the exam weeks and holidays, the first of four Exhale Weeks will take place from 12 February: a week of free events, workshops, and activities.

The first of four scheduled Exhale Weeks takes place from 12–16 February, a week full of events, workshops, and activities that includes live music concerts, a drink & draw art class, poker night, and a dance “rave” organised by BeFree Amsterdam, amongst others.

Programme & sign up
You can participate in any or all events during the Exhale Week and you do not need an X-subscription to join in. The full programme can be viewed on the Exhale website. Some events require registration and others are open to attend without registration. Want to sign up? You can do that on the website!