Anne-Fleur Janssen

"Two of my favourite programmes combined"

I knew from an early stage that I wanted to study something that includes maths, but Applied Mathematics seemed too abstract for me. I was also looking for more of a challenge, just like in secondary school. I then heard about the double Bachelor's degree programme in Applied Mathematics/Applied Physics and it appealed to me straight away: two of my favourite programmes combined, and a bit more of a challenge than a single programme.

I was very happy with the transition from secondary school to university. Although the days can be long, you have more freedom to decide for yourself when to work on the subject material. There are also plenty of opportunities to ask for help if you need it. The modules are extremely varied, such as Introduction to Programming, Thermodynamics and modules in which you have to prove hypotheses. In the first year, I found Advanced Analysis and Linear Algebra the most interesting. These are mathematics modules taught from a physics perspective.

After the first year, I have no doubt that the programme is enough of a challenge for me. If you plan properly and keep up with the subject matter, it's possible to combine the programme with a study association or student association or to engage actively in sport. This is because there is a lot of overlap between the modules, so you only do one additional module per quarter. There is also no minor in the third year, but you take modules that regular students did in another year.

The programme is very broad, which is why I'm not sure yet what I want to do later. Currently, I am leaning towards optimisation – of traffic flows, for example, or towards consultancy.