What will I learn?

In the first and second year, you absorb a lot of theory. You will learn to apply this theory during the projects of the Modelling course. You will also learn how to work on projects. After all, as an engineer, you need to be able to cooperate, present and communicate. In the third year, you will start with an elective: the so-called minor. Eventually, you will complete the bachelor's programme with a graduation assignment. After completion of the programme, you can add Bachelor of Science (BSc) to your name.

Structure of the programme

"Mathematics, a subject with infinite dimensions"

 - Joost de Groot Coordinator of the Bachelor of Applied Mathematics

Distribution of courses

7% Optimisation
7% Stochastics
7% Discrete mathematics
10% Bachelor final project
10% Numerics and differential equation
13% Elective courses
13% Modelling
16% Analysis
17% Minor

The Applied Mathematics degree programme consists of five modules:

  • Modelling and Applications
  • Numerical Methods and Differential Equations
  • Optimisation and Discrete Mathematics
  • Analysis
  • Stochastics

The first year of the programme revolves around fundamental mathematics. These courses are a level up from secondary school. You will also learn about something completely new in courses which focus on reasoning. You will apply the theory you learn during the first two years in projects of the Modelling course. In the third year, you will take courses and do a minor. The degree programme is rounded off with the Bachelor’s graduation project.

In addition to courses in fundamental mathematics, you will get started this year with mathematical modelling as well as learning how to present a mathematical solution. Other courses include probability theory, algebra and programming. You will also take a technology elective module. And because the mathematics at university is so different from that at secondary school, a lot of attention is paid to personal supervision. You will take part in a mentor group of ten students from the beginning of the first year. A faculty mentor will supervise you on study skills for two hours a week.

In the second year, you will take eight compulsory mathematics courses, from fundamental to applied and from broad to in-depth. You will also get to choose an elective from a list of approximately five courses, such as Advanced Statistics and Decision Analysis. So you can customise the Applied Mathematics degree programme a bit. You will also work on a project, by modelling a mathematical physical problem, such as an epidemic.In the second year, you will take eight compulsory mathematics courses, from fundamental to applied and from broad to in-depth. You will also get to choose an elective from a list of approximately five courses, such as Advanced Statistics and Decision Analysis. So you can customise the Applied Mathematics degree programme a bit. You will also work on a project, by modelling a mathematical physical problem, such as an epidemic.

Courses and competencies

You will begin the first half of the third year with a minor. In the third quarter, you will take two electives, helping you to set your own course. You will also take an intensive course in presentation skills. The degree programme is rounded off with the Bachelor’s graduation project. This involves working on a mathematical or practically oriented problem, such as creating a strategy for the Nuna solar car in South Africa or modelling wound healing. This project lasts three months and enables you to demonstrate that you can tackle a problem independently, and present your finding adequately both orally and in writing.